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Controversial speech by British activist: have disability rights gone too far?

Colin Low

Tipologia documento

: Altri documenti (Articoli, toolkit, …)


: UK Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)


: 23


: EN

Abstract / Indice dei contenuti


Reprinted in Disability World with permission of Colin Low, this presentation was made in early April to City University in London, and based on some lively exchanges on disability listservs, seems to have caused quite an uproar in the British disability community.

It is reprinted here in its own right-a frank and historical assessment of the disability movement in Britain by one of its senior members-but also for its insights about a current international development, the publication this spring of a new and controversial version of the World Health Organization's International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps, known as ICIDH-2.


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