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Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2020

AA.VV. (2021)

Annuario italiano / Italian Yearbook

Last update 25 Mar 2024

Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2021

AA.VV. (2022)

Annuario italiano / Italian Yearbook

Last update 19 Mar 2024

Annuario italiano dei diritti umani 2012

AA.VV. (2012)

Annuario italiano / Italian Yearbook

Last update 3 Mar 2021

Annuario italiano dei diritti umani 2011

AA.VV. (2011)

Annuario italiano / Italian Yearbook

Last update 3 Mar 2021

Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2019

AA.VV. (2019)

Annuario italiano / Italian Yearbook

Last update 3 Mar 2021

Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2018

AA.VV. (2018)

Annuario italiano / Italian Yearbook

Last update 3 Mar 2021

Annuario italiano dei diritti umani 2019

AA.VV. (2019)

Annuario italiano / Italian Yearbook

Last update 3 Mar 2021
Cover's image of the Global Analysis 2018 on the situation of Human Rights Defenders and Women Human Rights Defenders in the world, prepared by Front Line Defenders
[Events and Updates]

Front Line Defenders: the Global Analysis on the situation of Human Rights Defenders in 2018 has been published

Front Line Defenders has published the 2018 Global Analysis which details the physical assaults, defamation campaigns, digital security threats, judicial harassment, and gendered attacks faced by ...

Last update 11 Jan 2019
Trinity College Dublin, Human Rights and Religions Summer School
[Events and Updates]

Trinity College Dublin: Call for application for the Human Rights and Religions summer school

The Trinity College of Dublin organises the 2th edition of the summer school in Human Rights and Religions, from 22th to 29th of June 2018 in Dublin. This year’s central question for the ...

Last update 7 Jun 2018

Annuario italiano dei diritti umani 2017

AA.VV. (2017)

Annuario italiano / Italian Yearbook

Last update 2 Mar 2021
Eiuc Logo
[Events and Updates]

EIUC: ACTIONES Multi-Stakeholder training: “Fundamental Rights Strategic Litigation à la Carte in the EU”, 16th-18th October 2017, Venice

From 16th-18th of October 2017 ACTIONES Multi-Stakeholder training: “Fundamental Rights Strategic Litigation à la Carte in the EU” will take place. This is the final ...

Last update 27 Jul 2017

Il Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite e l’Alto Commissario per i Diritti Umani chiamano alla mobilitazione per la difesa dei diritti umani

Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani (2017)

Human Rights Academic Voice

Last update 30 May 2019

Dichiarazione delle Nazioni Unite sul diritto alla pace: concluso positivamente il lungo e contrastato iter preparatorio

Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani (2016)

Human Rights Academic Voice

Last update 30 May 2019

La Dichiarazione sul diritto alla pace è in dirittura d’arrivo all’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite

Antonio Papisca, Marco Mascia (2016)

Human Rights Academic Voice

Last update 30 May 2019