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L’associazionismo internazionale di promozione umana

Marco Mascia (1991)

Collana "Studi e ricerche sui dritti umani"

Last update 22 Sep 2010

Il Difensore civico

Nino Olivetti Rason, Lucio Strumendo (1997)

Collana "Studi e ricerche sui dritti umani"

Last update 22 Sep 2010

La nonviolenza come strategia di mutamento sociale

AA.VV. (1992)

Collana "Studi e ricerche sui dritti umani"

Last update 22 Sep 2010

Verso una difesa popolare nonviolenta per l’Italia?

AA.VV. (1988)

Collana "Studi e ricerche sui dritti umani"

Last update 31 Aug 2010
Panoramic view of the participants at the 1st Thematic NPM Workshop on “The role of NPMs in preventing ill-treatment in psychiatric institutions”, Padua 24-25 March 2010
[Institutional Contents]

Training workshop of the Council of Europe for European Ombudsman on the theme of trafficking in human beings

The first seminar of 2010 of the project "Peer to Peer II”, funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, was organised on 16 and 17 June in Padua on  "Combating trafficking in ...

Last update 14 Sep 2010

Italy: A legal puzzle, but the civil society has taken the ball, and runs with it

Paolo De Stefani (2009)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 8 Nov 2010

Der Handel mit Frauen und jungen Menschen - europäische Dimensionen einer - Heft für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Anna Dośpiał, Joanna Garnier (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Der Handel mit Frauen und jungen Menschen - europäische Dimensionen einer - Methodenleitfaden

Dina Nachbaur (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Prawa Człowieka a Handel Kobietami i Młodymi Ludźmi w Europie. Przybornik edukacyjny - Informacje Dodatkowe

Anna Dośpiał, Joanna Garnier (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Prawa Człowieka a Handel Kobietami i Młodymi Ludźmi w Europie. Przybornik edukacyjny - Co Warto Wiedzieć

Anna Dośpiał, Joanna Garnier (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010