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Artificial intelligence and big data

FRA report: Getting the future right – Artificial intelligence and fundamental rights

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) recently published a new report on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on fundamental rights. The report is a part of FRA’s project on artificial intelligence and big data, which assesses the pros and cons for fundamental rights of using artificial intelligence (AI) and big data for public administration and business purposes in selected EU Member States.

Nowadays artificial intelligence affects the lives of millions of people. Although automated decision-making process has its advantages, it can also lead to mistakes, discrimination and be hard to challenge. Therefore, there is a growing need to ensure that the future EU regulatory framework for artificial intelligence takes into account and promotes fundamental human rights.

The report, entitled Getting the future right – Artificial intelligence and fundamental rights, presents the findings of the research on the scope, impact assessments and accountability of artificial intelligence. The results highlight the existing confusion about the implications of AI on people’s rights and calls on the EU to clarify these implications, to provide more profound guidance on data protection rules, and also to establish an effective oversight system.

For more information and the full report, please visit the website attached below.