
humanitarian law

Forced Migration (A.Y. 2014/2015)

Theoretical and practical training course-refugees and immigrants: characteristics of the phenomenon and human rights
Study trip to Geneva of post-graduate students on human rights of the University of Padua (19-23 May 2013)
© Centro diritti umani - Università di Padova

The Workshop aims to demonstrate and deepen, through a theoretical and practical approach, the current problems of migration in Italy (and Europe), as well as Red Cross activities in this field at national and international level. University lecturers and speakers coming from the Italian Red Cross are going to participate.

Part of the project is dedicated to the presentation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, its institutions and respective roles. The workshop emphasizes the link between the various forms of "forced migration" and the condition of populations affected by internal or international conflicts, riots, disasters and other traumatic events in which the Movement is present with its humanitarian action. The classroom lessons, taught by experts in their respective fields, will alternate with practical case studies and simulations in various game stations, each of which represents a specific stage of the migratory path previously analyzed. For example the initial reception and first aid; management of the waiting time and pronunciation of refugee status; reconstruction of historical, political, cultural and religious backgrounds of migrants; preparation for the interview with the territorial commissions; etc.

A final roundtable discussion will evaluate and deepen impressions and criticality of the themes addressed in the light of the exercises and "role-play" carried out by the participants.

Students will have the opportunity to get in touch with the world of CRI volunteering, deepening knowledge of the Committees structures and organization but, in particular, meeting directly with volunteers, who are the essential heritage of the whole movement. The project is performed by the CRI local branch in Padua in collaboration with the “Centro di Ateneo” for Human Rights at the Padua University.



humanitarian law migration refugees


Opportunities for students MA Degree Programme