Workshop "Education to Intercultural Dialogue", Padua, 22-23 March 2011
Event date: 22-23 March 2011
Venue: Padua, Palazzo del Bo, Archivio Antico/Aula Nievo

Tuesday March 22, 2011
Palazzo del Bo | Archivio Antico
Solemn Session
Welcome addresses
Giuseppe Zaccaria, Magnifico Rettore, University of Padua
Marco Mascia, Jean Monnet Chair, Director, Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples, University of Padua
Léonce Bekemans, Jean Monnet Chair, Academic Coordinator, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Padua
Chaired and introduced by Antonio Papisca, Jean Monnet Chair ad honorem, University of Padua
Intercultural dialogue in territorial cooperation: an education perspective
Jean Monnet Public Lecture by Luc Van den Brande, former president Committee of the Regions, CoR Civex President, special advisor to the European Commissioner of Regional Affairs
Sport and human rights for Intercultural dialogue
Annamaria Marasi, CONI National Councillor
Handing over of Jean Monnet Certificates to students of the Jean Monnet course “Globalisation and Inclusiveness in the EU” by Luc Van den Brande
Handing over of Jean Monet Certificates to students of the Jean Monnet course “Sport and Human Rights in the European Union Law” by Annamaria Marasi
Tuesday March 22, 2011
Palazzo del Bo | Archivio Antico
Session I Education and intercultural dialogue: concepts and practices
Chaired and introduced by Léonce Bekemans
Education and culture: a practice-oriented comparison of European education systems
Jan De Groof, Chargé de Mission to UNESCO for the right to Education, Government Commissioner for Universities (Belgium), President of the European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA), Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges and University of Tilburg
Multiculturalism vs. interculturalism in educational practices
Gaby Fragnière, former Rector College of Europe, Bruges, President of thr Europe of Cultures Forum
Human rights education for enhancing intercultural dialogue with young people
Gisèle Evrard, Educational Advisor, EU-CoE partnership in the field of Youth, Directorate of Youth and Sport , Council of Europe
Intercultural practices - a case study: the Raval in Barcelona
Enrique Banús, Jean Monnet Professor ad personam, International University Cataluña, Barcelona, ECSA-World President
Educational spaces and learning practices of intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean context
Fadi Daou, President Adyan Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon
Education and citizenship: a good practice from the Region of Veneto
Lucia Saccon and Amelia Goffi, Teachers, Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples, University of Padua
Wednesday March 23, 2011
Palazzo del Bo | Aula Nievo
Session II – Formal and informal educational practices to intercultural dialogue
Welcome adress
Marialuisa Coppola, International Relations and Human Rights Counsellor, Region of Veneto
Chaired and introduced by Luc Van den Brande
The lifelong learning perspective of education to intercultural dialogue: an EFT assessment of practices
Madlen Serban, Director, European Training Foundation, Torino
Anastasia Fetsi, Head of Thematic Expertise Development Department, European Training Foundation, Torino
Global education strategies and practices: a North-South Centre perspective
Miguel Silva, Global education programme manager, North-South Centre, Council of Europe, Lisbon
The regional dimension of educational and intercultural practices: a forward-looking multi-level governance view of the CoR.
Béatrice Taulègne, Head Forward Studies Unit, Committee of the Regions of the EU, Brussels
Education and citizenship: a practice from Georgia
Tatiana Khuntsaria, Deputy Ombudsman of Georgia
Role of sport in education to human rights and intercultural dialogue
Jacopo Tognon, Jean Monnet Module, University of Padua
Conclusions by Léonce Bekemans