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An intercultural dialogue from within Muslim communities:

a global overview.....................................................................................91

Osman Bakar, Chair Professor and Director; Jabal M. Buaben, Associate

Professor; Norhazlin Muhammad, Lecturer, and Mohamad Azmi Mohamad,

Assistant Lecturer, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien

Centre for Islamic Studies

The universal message of Sikhism to mankind.........................................97

Kulwant Singh and Inderjit Singh, Members, and Birendra Kaur, President,

Institute of Sikh Studies

Religion is part of the solution..............................................................100

Jocelyne Cesari, Professor of Religion and Politics, University of Birmingham,

Senior Research Fellow at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World

Affairs, Georgetown University

Creating and supporting interreligious councils in the

Asia-Pacific region.................................................................................103

Professor Emeritus Gary D Bouma, UNESCO Chair in Intercultural and

Interreligious Relations, School of Social and Political Inquiry, Monash

University, Australia

The Commonwealth’s Civil Paths to Peace............................................105

Nabeel Goheer, Director and Lauren Stasinowsky, Governance Support Officer,

Strategic Planning & Evaluation Division, Commonwealth Secretariat

Plural citizenship and the right to peace in the agenda

of intercultural dialogue: an Italian case................................................109

Antonio Papisca, Professor Emeritus, University of Padua and Chairholder,

UNESCO Chair on Human Rights, Democracy and Peace

Integrating human values in education for promoting tolerance............112

Dr Ruwaida Abu Rass, UNESCO Chair in Multiculturalism in Teacher

Training, Beit Berl College, Israel

Villa Ocampo’s new programme: a contribution to the Action Plan

for the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures...........115

Frédéric Vacheron, UNESCO Culture Programme Specialist for the South Cone

and Director of the Villa Ocampo Programme; and Ernesto Montequin, Curator

and Academic Advisor for the Villa Ocampo Programme

Tourism – celebrating diversity, linking cultures and promoting

peace and understanding......................................................................119

Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

History teachers hold the key to sustainable peace................................123

Jonathan Even-Zohar, Director, European Association of History Educators

Rapprochement of cultures – the Hungarian way..................................126

Dr Péter Hoppál, State Secretary for Culture, Hungary

Multicultural Viet Nam: ethnicity and cultural diversity........................130

Associate Professor, Dr Nguyen Thi Hien, vice director, Viet Nam National

Institute of Culture and Art Studies, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

The International Islamic University Malaysia’s role in promoting

interreligious harmony..........................................................................134

Prof Dato’ Sri Dr Zaleha Kamaruddin, Rector, and Prof Dr Ainul Jaria Binti

Maidin, Director, Office of Corporate Communication and Marketing, IIUM

International Islamic University Malaysia

Current status and issues for safeguarding intangible

cultural heritage in Brunei Darussalam..................................................137

Mohd Abdoh Damit, Acting Assistant Director (Culture and the Arts), Ministry

of Culture, Youth and Sports

Enhancing national unity and harmony through intercultural

dialogue founded on the 1Malaysia concept..........................................140

Kapli Bin Emek, Deputy Director General (National Harmony) and Zulkifli

Bin Hashim, Director (Unity Management), Department of National Unity and

Integration, Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia

The next chapter of the Anna Lindh Foundation...................................143

Ambassador Hatem Atallah, Executive Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation

The second mile....................................................................................148

Prof. Alberto Melloni, Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII

Integrating Muslim communities for sustainable development..............151

Islamic Development Bank

Five pillars from African traditional education offer hope

for global cohesiveness and the rapprochement of cultures...................154

Professor F.X. Gichuru, Founder and Chair, African Cultural

Regeneration Institute

Initiatives of the African Union Commission in promoting

cultural diversity for peace in the continent..........................................158

Angela Martins, Head of Culture Division, Social Affairs Department, African

Union Commission

Engaging religious traditions in the promotion of peace

through social justice............................................................................161

Pierre Martinot-Lagarde, Special Advisor for Socioreligious Affairs,

International Labour Organization

Harnessing the digital dividend: an approach to

knowledge-sharing in Africa..................................................................165

Bakri M Abdul Karim and Bernadette Dia Kamgnia, African Development Bank

Notes and References............................................................................168


