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Messaggio di Manfred Nowak, Segretario generale EIUC, in memoria di Antonio Papisca

We announce with great sadness the loss of our beloved founder, Prof. Antonio Papisca, who envisioned the European Master’s of Human Rights (EMA) and the European Inter-University Center of Human Rights (EIUC) twenty years ago.

"Antonio Papisca, in my view, is and remains one of the great humanists of our time. He was the Spiritus Rector of all our common endeavours in Venice and internationally. Without him, there would be no EMA, no EIUC, no Monastery of San Nicolò dedicated to us. In his extremely gentle and humble manner, he was very convincing and efficient in pursuing his ideas. He strongly believed in the power of human rights, democracy and in a culture of peace, and he was very successful in inspiring others with his enthusiasm. I wish to express my deep gratitude for all that Antonio did to foster a culture of human rights, democracy and peace, including the founding of EMA and EIUC. I am sure that his spirit will continue to guide us in our further strengthening EIUC and the Global Campus of Human Rights. With deep sadness of having lost a very good friend and source of inspiration”, - Manfred Nowak, EIUC Secretary General.


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