Ultimi contenuti aggiornati

Logo Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità - WHo
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WHO - World Health Organization

It has the function of providing leadership on health issues at a global level, shaping the agenda of health research, setting norms and standards, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and evaluating health trends in the world.The site contains information on events and campaigns.

Aggiornato il 6/11/2020
Logo The Sphere Project
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The Sphere Project

The project represents a process aimed at developing good practices and accountability measures, is coordinated by the Red Cross and Red Crescent and involves numerous NGOs and humanitarian institutions. The site contains multimedia materials, news, documents, publications.

Aggiornato il 6/11/2020
Logo ReliefWeb
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It is the portal dedicated to humanitarian action, in particular to emergency situations and humanitarian disasters. It collects information and serves as a point of contact between organizations and experts. It is managed by the United Nations Office for the coordination of humanitarian action.

Aggiornato il 6/11/2020
Logo Formazione alla cittadinanza democratica e ai diritti umani del Consiglio d'Europa
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Council of Europe

Portal of the Council of Europe.It contains sub-sections dedicated to the institutions that belong to it, thematic insights on activities, events and projects, official documentation, news, information on the degree of protection and respect for human rights in the 47 member countries, publications.

Aggiornato il 6/11/2020
Logo Ufficio dell'Alto Commissario per i diritti umani delle Nazioni Unite di Ginevra
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OHCHR - Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

It was established in 1993 by the General Assembly. It is possible to access the main human rights bodies and mechanisms of the United Nations, including the Human Rights Council, the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council, special rapporteurs and monitoring bodies.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Rapporto annuale sullo sviluppo umano dello UNDP
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UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

Global network for development, working to spread knowledge, experience and resources in all countries to help build a better life for each person. It is present in 176 countries.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo UNHCR Italia
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UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The UN Refugee Agency is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo UNHCR Italia
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UNHCR Italy - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Office of the UNHCR participates in the procedure for determining refugee status in Italy and carries out activities related to international protection, education and training, dissemination of information on refugees and asylum seekers in Italy and in the various areas of crisis.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo di Amnesty International
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Amnesty International

It is a global movement active since 1961 to stop human rights abuses. It contains insights, news and reports on the human rights situation worldwide as well as promoting international projects and campaigns in this regard.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Enciclopedia online delle violenze di massa
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Mass Violence and Resistance - Research Network

The online encyclopedia provides chronological indexes, case studies and analytical contributions on socio-political violence at national level, as well as a glossary of the terms most used in genocide studies and theoretical contributions.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo HURIDOCS - Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems
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HURIDOCS - Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems

It is a network of organizations operating in the capacity building sector, with the aim of defending human rights and preventing abuse, developing and using communication techniques, monitoring methods, information management systems and the latest technologies.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Programma delle Nazioni Unite per lo sviluppo - UNEP
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UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme

United Nations project to address environmental problems at global and regional level through a program that coordinates environmental policies and brings general attention to emerging issues in these areas. There are publications, campaigns and videos on environmental issues.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Corte europea dei diritti umani
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European Court of Human Rights

The Court is a mechanism of judicial review, established in 1950 under the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Council of Europe. The site offers publications, information, statistics, videos and other material that can be consulted.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Commissione sulla Global governance
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Commission on Global Governance

It is an independent group of 28 public figures inspired by the belief that the end of the cold war could offer opportunities to build a more cooperative, safe and fair world. The site contains articles, publications and insights on the work and function of the Commission.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Global Public Policy Institute
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GPPi - Global Public Policy Institute

It is a non-profit think tank, whose research activity focuses on the issue of effective and responsible governance. It offers services for various institutions and provides a platform for debate and to foster strategic communities by reconciling the public sector, civil society and businesses.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020