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Logo Centre for Research on Globalisation - CRG
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CRG - Centre for Research on Globalisation

It is an independent research organization and a media group of writers, scholars, journalists and activists. The Center publishes books, supports humanitarian projects and activities related to education including the organization of conferences and public meetings, it also acts as a Think tank.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Mining Watch Canada
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MiningWatch Canada

MiningWatch Canada works toward a world in which Indigenous peoples can effectively exercise their rights to self-determination, communities must consent before any mining activities may occur, and mineworkers are guaranteed safe and healthy conditions. 

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Women calling for peace, Darfur, Sudan, 2018
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UWE - University Women of Europe

The University Women of Europe works towards an achievement of the goals of the Council of Europe and to cooperate with all other European governmental and non-governmenal organisations dealing with European matters and in particular questions affecting the lives of women.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Piano Strategico sui Diritti Umani e le Tecnologie in Biomedicina (2020-2025)
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Bioethics webinar: COVID-19 testing - key human rights and ethical concerns

On 26 June 2020, in the framework of the launching of the Strategic Action Plan on Human Rights and Technologies in Biomedicine (2020-2025) organised under the auspices of the Greek chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers, the COE Committee on Bioethics (DH-BIO) held a webinar.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Piano Strategico sui Diritti Umani e le Tecnologie in Biomedicina (2020-2025)
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Bioethics webinar: Promoting health literacy in the context of a pandemic

On 30 June 2020, in the framework of the launching of the Strategic Action Plan on Human Rights and Technologies in Biomedicine (2020-2025) organised under the auspices of the Greek chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers, the Council of Europe Committee on Bioethics (DH-BIO) held a webinar.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo EU Neighbourhood Info Centre
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European Union - Learning Corner for teachers and students

Collection of educational materials, produced by various European institutions, intended to bring new generations closer to the themes of the European Union.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Coordinamento Nazionale degli Enti Locali per la pace e i diritti umani
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National Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights

It is an association which brings together Italian municipalities, provinces and regions and engages in promoting peace, human rights, solidarity and international cooperation. It offers an archive that collects all the organization's documentation and publications.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Istituto internazionale di ricerca sulla pace di Stoccolma - SIPRI
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SIPRI - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

It is an independent research institute, specialized in the issues of international security, arms control and disarmament. It provides data, analyzes and recommendations to policy makers, researchers, journalists. Publishes the annual report on the state of arms in the world.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo dell'associazione formato da tre profili di persona sovrapposti
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HREA - Human Rights Education Associates

It is an international non-governmental organization with a mission of promotion and training support for human rights education of activists and professionals in the sector, through the development and preparation of materials and study programs as well as, the creation of a community.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Sessioni speciali dell'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite
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United Nations Organization

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 and currently made up of 193 Member States. UN aims to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Tribunale penale internazionale per il Ruanda - ICTR
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International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Established by the United Nations Security Council with Resolution 955 of 1994 to judge crimes committed on Rwandan territory (or by Rwandan citizens in neighboring states) from 1 to 31 January 1994. The site contains information on the functions and activities of the Court.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
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International Criminal Court

The Statute of the Court was approved in Rome in 1998 and currently provides for the jurisdiction of the court for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. The site contains reports on the court's activities and online international criminal law instruments.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo University of Minnesota: human rights library
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University of Minnesota: Human Rights Library

The University of Minnesota Human Rights Library houses one of the largest collections of over sixty thousand human rights documents. The site provides access to more than four thousand links and a single search device for multiple human rights sites.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Humanitarian Law Centre of Belgrade
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Humanitarian Law Centre of Belgrade

It is a non-governmental organization founded in order to document the glaring violations of human rights that were then perpetrated on a large scale throughout the former Yugoslavia, in armed conflicts in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Kosovo. It offers information regarding conflicts.

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020
Logo Garante nazionale dei diritti delle persone detenute o private della libertà personale
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Italian Office of the National Ombudsperson for the Rights of Detainees and Persons Deprived of their Liberty

Italian Office of the National Ombudsperson for the Rights of Detainees and Persons Deprived of their Liberty

Aggiornato il 5/11/2020