Archives: 1982-1990

Programmes, information and attachments about this section are available in Italian.
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International Human Rights Day 1990
University of Padova, Sala dei Giganti, 10th December 1990
Elaboration of a Training Model for Conscientious Objectors on non-violent popular defence and human promotion
Malosco (TN), 30th September - 6th October 1990
UN, World Government, International Democracy
Padua, Buzzaccarini Palace, 18th September 1990
Culture of Peace: Research and Didactics in the University
Abano Terme (PD), 10th-12th July, 1989
The Spring of Beijing and the Urgency of Democracy, Justice and Peace in the World
University of Padova, Political Science Faculty, Room Magna, 27th June 1989
The Experience of the Ombudsman in the Regions of Italy
University of Padova, Political Science Faculty, International Studies Room, 8th June, 1989
Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in the Prospective of a New Social State
Roma, L. Sturzo Institute, 25th-26th May, 1989
Self-Determination of Peoples and the New International Democratic Order
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Room “E”, 17th-18th March, 1989
Cycle of Public Conferences (1989-1992)
Various Locations
40th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Magna, 26th-28th, May 1988
For the Right to Self-Determination of the Eritrean People. Italian Politics in the Horn of Africa
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Room “E”, 5th-6th February, 1988
International Social Justice, Cooperation for Development, and the Role of Economic Multi-National Organizations
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Archivio Antico, 9th April, 1987
Towards a Non-Violent Popular Defence System for Italy?
Padua-Teolo, 26th-28th, February 1987
150 Hours Course on human rights and the rights of peoples (A.Y. 1985/1986)
The Racial Question
Post-graduate Training Course (A.Y. 1984/1985)
Human Rights and the Domestic and International Guarantees
Human rights: Promotion and Training
Vicenza, Teatro Olimpico, 10th-12th March 1983