International Conference "Religions and Human Rights", University of Padova (Italy), April 14-15, 2016
Event date: April 14-15, 2016
Venue: University of Padova

The relationship between religion and human rights is controversial and debated. The aim of the international conference is to take stock of the complex connections between religion and human rights, emphasizing that both the definition and the application of these two concepts are influenced by the different social and cultural contexts within which they are placed.
Starting from the geopolitical changes which have involved contemporary society on a global scale, the conference intends to critically evaluate the two main narratives on this topic: on the one hand religions understood as an element opposing the affirmation of human rights, and on the other religions considered as agencies facilitating the implementation of human rights. Religious rights, understood as individual and/or collective rights, are disputed as well.
How do religious traditions and new religious communities approach human rights issues? How do states manage religious traditions and religious diversification? How are human rights discourses and practices affected by the social context?
Thursday April 14th
Morning session: Sala delle Edicole
9.15: Welcome Addresses
Rosario Rizzuto, Rector of the University of Padova
Marco Mascia, Director of the University Human Rights Centre
Adam Possamai, Western Sydney University
Giuseppe Giordan, Coordinator of the Joint PhD Programme
9.30-12.30: Plenary Session 1, Sala delle Edicole
Religions and Human Rights: A Theoretical Frame
Chair: Siniša Zrinščak, University of Zagreb
Silvio Ferrari, University of Milano, Human Rights vs. Religious Rights. An Unavoidable
James Richardson, University of Nevada, Managing Religious Freedom: Some Case Studies
Eileen Barker, London School of Economics, Whose Rights Trump Whose Rights? New Religious Movements and Competing Human Rights
Enzo Pace, University of Padova, Can Religions Play a ‘Progressive’ Role in Advancing Human Rights?
Afternoon Session: University Human Rights Centre
14.00- 15.45: Parallel Session 1 (Library)
The Legal Status of Religious Minorities: Exploring the Impact of the European Court of Human Rights
Chair: Effie Fokas, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP); Research Associate, Hellenic Observatory, LSE
Dia Anagnostou, Panteion University, ELIAMEP, and Effie Fokas, ELIAMEP, LSE, The ‘Radiating Effects’ of the European Court of Human Rights on Social Mobilisations around Religion in Europe – An Analytical Frame
Margarita Markoviti, ELIAMEP, The ‘Filtering’ Effect of ECtHR Case Law on Religious Freedoms: Legal Recognition and Places of Worship for Religious Minorities in Greece
Alberta Giorgi, CES, Coimbra, ELIAMEP, and Pasquale Annicchino, ELIAMEP, European University Institute, The Legal Status and Strategic Action of Religious Minorities in Italy: Localized Human Rights
Mihai Popa, ELIAMEP, Max Planck Institute, and Liviu Andreescu, University of Bucharest, In Search of Full Recognition: National Regulations, ECtHR Case Law, and The Recognition of Religious Groups in Post-socialist Romania
Ceren Ozgul, ELIAMEP, New York University, Legal Status as Religious Freedom: The ECtHR and Legal Mobilization among Turkey’s non-Muslims
14.00- 15.45: Parallel Session 2, University Human Rights Centre (Room Iqbal Masih)
Religious Minorities
Chair: Eileen Barker, London School of Economics
Max Regus, University of Tilburg, Defining a Triple Fragility of Human Rights in Contemporary Indonesia
Frane Stanicic, University of Zagreb, The Differences in Legal Status of Religious Communities in the Republic of Croatia
Elisabetta Di Giovanni, University of Palermo, Religion in Borderscapes. Human Rights and Religiosity among Roma Communities in Italy
Hafsa Oubou, Northwestern University, Illinois, Religious Conversion in an Age of Transnational Human Rights
Ringo Ringvee, University of Tartu, Banning Burqas – Protecting Whom?
16.15-18.00: Parallel Session 3, University Human Rights Centre (Library)
Religion and Gender
Chair: Lori Beaman, University of Ottawa
Brigitta Kalmar, University College Cork, Woman's Rights in Motion: Tibetan Buddhism in Exile
Mary Nyangweso, East Carolina University, Negotiating Individual and Cultural Rights: Challenges Women Face in the 21st Century
Mauro Saccol, University of Genova, The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and Women’s Rights.
Justice Richard Kwabena Owusu Kyei, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Gendered Citizenship within African Initiated Churches in Europe: The Case of Ghanaian Churches in Amsterdam
Shanon Shah, William Temple Foundation, London School of Economics and Political Science, Religion versus Human Rights? The Experiences of Gay Muslims in Malaysia and Britain
16.15-18.00: Parallel Session 4, University Human Rights Centre (Room Iqbal Masih)
Religions and Human Rights: Frames and Definitions
Chair: Paolo de Stefani, University of Padova
Sussan Shiavoshi, Trinity University, San Antonio, Human Rights and Traditional Islamic Jurisprudence
Ahmet Erdi Öztürk, Ljubljana University, and Serhat Ozgokceler, Uludag University, Turkey’s Diyanet: A Very Handy State Apparatus
Roberto Scalon, University of Torino, Defining and Defending Human Rights: the Problem of the Public Violence
Marco Guglielmi, University of Padova, Human Rights and Orthodox Christianity. Key Issues for a Social Scientific Study
Marie Juul Petersen, Danish Institute for Human Rights, “We Agree on 90 Percent”: Perceptions of Human Rights in Muslim Civil Society Organisations
Friday April 15th
Morning Session: University Human Rights Centre
9.00-10.45: Parallel Session 5, Library
Democracy, Citizenship and Values
Chair: Elena Pariotti, University of Padova
Catherine Renshaw, Western Sydney University, Bridging the Schism between Human Rights and Religion in Southeast Asia: An Argument for the Primacy of Deliberative Democracy
Mónica Ibáñez Angulo, University of Burgos, Cultural Citizenship and Religious Diversity
Olga Breskaya, European Humanities University, and Milda Ališauskienė, Vytautas Magnus University, The Attitudes of Belarusian and Lithuanian Young People toward The Civil and Political Rights: A Comparative Analysis
Julia Mink, University of Göttingen, Deconstruction of the Secular State: The “Pluralist System of State Churches” in Hungary
Joseph Tham, Pontificio Ateneo Regina Apostolorum, Roma, Natural Law and Global Bioethics
9.00-10.45: Parallel session 6, University Human Rights Centre (Room Iqbal Masih)
European Court of Human Rights and Religions
Chair: Stelios Perrakis, Panteion University
Melanie Adrian, Carleton University, Ottawa, Religious Freedom Curtailed: Dignity, Equality and Islam at the European Court of Human Rights
Roberta Medda, European Academy Bozen, The Contribution of the European Court of Human Rights to the Accommodation of Contemporary Religious Diversity
Christos Tsevas, University of Strasbourg, Democritus University of Thrace, The Notion of “Living Together”: Navigating from S.A.S. v. France to The Nexus of Human Rights and Religions
Marcella Ferri, University of Bergamo, The Expression of Religious Identity in The Public Sphere: The Jurisprudence of The European Court of Human Rights
Eva Maria Lassen, Danish Institute for Human Rights, The EU, The State and Religion
11.15-13.00: Parallel Session 7, University Human Rights Centre (Library)
Religions, Media, and Education
Chair: Adam Possamai, Western Sydney University
Magdalena Ratajczak, University of Wroclaw, Religious Conversations. Media and Religions
Carlo Nardella, University of Milano, Commercial Advertising and Human Rights Discourse
Heini Skorini, University of London, Don't Attack my Religion! The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Struggle to Define International Free Speech Norms
Matteo Tracchi, Amnesty International, Back to Basics: Restoring Human Dignity and Addressing Extremism through Human Rights Education. A European Perspective
Petru-Lucian Cirlan, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Sorbonne, Religion and Human Rights in Orthodox Countries State and Church Relation in Romania and Russia
11.15-13.00: Parallel Session 8, University Human Rights Centre (Room Iqbal Masih)
Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue
Chair: Léonce Bekemans, University of Padova
Fred A. Lazin, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, NYU, A Jewish-Christian Alliance for Human Rights: The Interreligious Task Force on Soviet Jewry 1972-1988
Victoria Martìn De La Torre, Press Officer, European Parliament, Towards an Interreligious Understanding of Human Rights: A Comparative Analysis of Freedom of Conscience in Jacques Maritain and Fethullah Gülen
Adnan Yaman, International Burch University, Sarajevo, The Hizmet Movement and Human Rights
Roberta Ricucci, University of Torino, Updating The Framework: How Local Institutions Interact with Young Muslims Discussing Religious Issues. Notes from a Catholic Country
Desirée Campagna, University of Padova, The (Inter) Religious Role of Museums: A Possible Interpretation of The Exhibitions of The Musée de Civilisation de L’Europe et de La Méditerranée (Mucem)
Afternoon Session: Sala delle Edicole
14.30-17.30: Plenary Session 2
Religions and Human Rights: An Empirical Approach
Chair: Giuseppe Giordan, University of Padova
Lori Beaman, University of Ottawa, A Conversion Experience: Prayer as Culture and Heritage
Hans-Georg Ziebertz, University of Wuerzburg, Human Dignity as Foundation of Human Rights. An Empirical Exploration
Leslie Francis, University of Warwick, Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Religious clothing
Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers International, Islamic Minorities, a New Global Challenge to Religious Freedom