Peace Paths, Padova, 23-25 October 2015
Event date: 23-25 October 2015
Venue: Padua, Italy

International Peace Bureau Annual Conference on the 70th anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter.
Many are the paths to peace. But peace is not only the destination, it is also the path itself. Great thinkers and spiritual leaders have taught us important lessons over the centuries about these matters, and their reflections are just as valid today. In 2015 we are confronted with multiple global challenges, which are often visible as conflicts and dramas at the national or local level. How to feed the hungry, tackle climate change, stem the tide of militarisation? Can we make peace in the Middle East, find a place in our societies for refugees, abolish nuclear weapons?
As peace advocates we do our best to engage influential personalities and important organisations to help make the case for better policies and more profound social change. The Padova conference is an important opportunity to hear a number of these voices and to address some of the key challenges of our time. We invite all those who feel concerned with these questions to join us at the end of October and to contribute their ideas and experiences.
Note: this Conference will act as one of many 'prepcomms' for the IPB's world congress, to be held in Berlin from 30 Sept – 3 Oct 2016: 'Disarm! For a culture of peace: creating an action agenda'.
Friday 23 October
10.00 – 12.00
Theatre event for secondary schools, organized by Fondazione Fontana, within the context of the peace education activities promoted as part of their World Social Agenda programme, under the title “Armi e bagagli. Guerre, conflitti e diritto alla pace.” (Lock, stock and barrel. War, conflicts and the right to peace.) One man show (in Italian only) by Mario Spallino "Stupido Risiko, per una geografia della guerra" by Patrizia Pasqui.
Students meet Delegate from Gangjeon Village, Jeju Island, facilitated by Lisa Clark, Beati i costruttori di pace.
Session I | 15.00 - 17.30 | University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Nievo
Increasingly peace and disarmament activist organizations are joining forces with environmentalists, with sustainability experts, with global economic justice movements, in the recognition that all our causes are interdependent. In the run-up to the Paris COP21 in December 2015, this is highlighted in many international manifestos, such as Terra Viva written by a panel of international experts led by Vandana Shiva. Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si is arguably the most remarkable of such documents. IPB encourages decision-makers and analysts to consider the fact that the military is a great contributor to CO2 emissions, and the budget it uses would, if reallocated, make a huge contribution to the 'green transition' we all wish for.
Theme | Peace and Planet
Session Chair
Lisa CLARK, International Peace Bureau/Beati i costruttori di pace
Paul LANSU, Pax Christi International, Vice President IPB
Albino BIZZOTTO, Beati i costruttori di pace
Sabina SINISCALCHI, Board of Directors, Banca Etica, and co-author of Terra Viva
Alessandro PASCOLINI, Board of Human Rights Centre, University of Padova, and Union of Scientists for Disarmament (USPID)
Francesco VIGNARCA, Rete italiana per il disarmo
Flavio LOTTI, National Coordination of Local Governments for Peace and Human Rights
Sara BIN, Fondazione Fontana
Simultaneous translation: Italian – English - Italian
Session II | 18.00 – 19.30 | University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Nievo
Award of the 2015 Sean MacBride Prize
This year a double award will be made:
Represented by Mayor Giusi Nicolini
'Grazie, Lampedusa'
Represented by a leader of the Gangjeon Village Association
Simultaneous translation: Italian – English – Italian
Saturday 24 October
Session III | 10.00 – 13.00 | University of Padova, Aula Magna Galileo Galilei
The UN Charter is still alive: Strengthening and Democratising the United Nations
Musical performance of the Orchestra Concentus Musicus Patavinus
Welcome addresses
Rosario RIZZUTO, Magnifico Rettore, University of Padua
Marco MASCIA, Director, Human Rights Centre, University of Padua
Colin ARCHER, Secretary-General, International Peace Bureau (Nobel Peace Prize 1910)
Giancarlo BUSCATO, Governor, Lions District 108 Ta3
Gabriella SALVIULO, President, Lions Club Padova Carraresi
Arturo LORENZONI, President, Fondazione Fontana
Musical performance of the Orchestra Concentus Musicus Patavinus
Session Chair
Reiner BRAUN, Co-President, International Peace Bureau
Keynote Lecture
President of the Foundation Culture of Peace, Former UNESCO Director-General
A Refounded United Nations System is more necessary than ever:
“We, the peoples…” now, yes, we can
Antonio PAPISCA, UNESCO Chair Human Rights, Democracy and Peace, University of Padua
Ingeborg BREINES, Co-President, International Peace Bureau
Massimo FABIO, past International Director Lions Club International 1999-2001, Representative of LCI at FAO
Simultaneous translation: English – Italian – English.
Session IV | 16.00 – 18.30 | City Hall of Vicenza, Sala degli Stucchi
Theme: “The road to peace and progress runs through the world’s cities and towns” (Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General, 2011)
Marco MASCIA, Director of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova
Achille VARIATI, Mayor of Vicenza, Mayor for Peace
Isabella SALA, Town Councillor for the Community and the Families, Municipality of Vicenza
Dave WEBB, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament - CND, IPB
Mr KO Kwon-Il, Chairman of Anti-Base Committee, Gangjeon Village, Jeju Island, Corea
Albino BIZZOTTO, Beati i Costruttori di Pace
Giusy ARMILETTI, Mayor of Dueville
Piera MORO, Mayor of Marano Vicentino
Flavio LOTTI, National Coordination of Local Governments for Peace and Human Rights
Matteo SOCCIO, House of Peace, Vicenza
From 6 p.m.: Discussion among citizens
English speakers will be translated in consecutive.
Sunday 25 October
IPB ANNUAL COUNCIL MEETING (open to all, English language only)
09.30 – 17.30 : At offices of Beati i costruttori di pace, Padova.
Lunch offered by Beati volunteers.
Registration: There is no registration fee, but if you plan to come please inform the contact persons indicated below. We need to be able to estimate numbers.
Note: The organisers are unable to offer assistance with travel or accommodation costs. We can however offer some suggestions for suitable places to stay.
Contact persons:
International: Colin Archer, Secretary-General, International Peace Bureau, 41 rue de Zürich 1201 Geneva, Switzerland +41-22-731-6429; ; ; ;
Local: Lisa Pelletti Clark, Beati i costruttori di pace, Padova;