

Presentation of the Archive

The Publications of the Human Rights Centre Database allows the research and consultation of TOCS, file cards and attached contents of all the publications of the Human Rights Centre from 1982 to the present day.

The database provides the following research options, which may be used separately or contemporaneously:

- Textual Search: allows to search one or more words in the title and sub-title of the publication

- Author: our systems proposes an auto-completing function while typing the name of the author.

- Publication Typology: it is possible to select a particular series among the Centre's publications.

- Language: it filters only the results available in the selected language.

- Search only records with attachments: selecting "YES" the results will include only file cards which allow the full download of the publication/article in PDF format.


Typologies of Publications

Four-monthly Review "Peace, human rights, rights of the peoples" 
Rivista “Pace, diritti dell’uomo, diritti dei popoli”
(1987-1995,  Liviana and, following, Cedam, Padova)

The first issue was published in 1986, proclaimed by the UN International Year of Peace. Twenty-two issues have been published since then.
The database collects the TOCs of the twenty-two issues, and the file card of every essay published in each issue. The essays are attached and can be freely downloaded.

Four-monthly Review "Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights" 
Rivista “Pace diritti umani - Peace human rights”
(new series, Marsilio, Venezia)

The new series is offered in a new graphical look and enriched by the experience maturated in the twenty-two year of experience of the oldest Italian laboratory on human rights and peace. 
The first issue was published in 2004. Essays and documentation are offered in English or in Italian.
The database collects the TOCs of the issues published, and the file card of every essay published in each issue, including a short abstract, which is normally written in a language different from the language used in the essay. The essays published in 2004 and 2005 and the whole documentation can be downloaded for free from the database.

Series "Studies and researches on human rights"
Collana "Studi e ricerche sui diritti umani"
(Cedam, Padova)

The series was started in the 1988 on the 40th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and is composed of 15 issues. The database collects the TOCs of the issues published. All issues and can be downloaded for free from the database.

Volumes of the Interdepartmental Centre on human rights and the rights of peoples and of the UNESCO Chair "Human rights, democracy and peace"

Quaderni del Centro interdipartimentale sui diritti della persona e dei popoli e della Cattedra UNESCO “Diritti umani, democrazia e pace”
(Edizioni Cleup, Padova)

For each book the database provdes a short presentation, the TOC. Some "Quaderni" can be downloaded for free from the database.

Research Papers

The Research Papers are published by the Interdepartmental Centre on human rights and the rights of people and of the UNESCO Chair "Human rights, democracy and peace" of the University of Padova. all the research papers can be downloaded for free from the database

E.MA Series
Collana E.MA
(Marsilio, Venezia)

The series include the following publication: "European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation: Awarded Theses".

Bulletin "Archive Peace Human Rights"
Bollettino "Archivio Pace Diritti Umani"

The bulletin was published as supplement of the Review "Pace, diritti dell'uomo, diritti dei popoli (Peace, human rights, rights of the peoples)"  from 1991 onwards. A total of thirty-six issues have been published up to now. Every issue is dedicated to a specific topic including: the European system of promotion and protection of human rights, violence on women and on children, human rights and disability, reform of the United Nations, national institutions for human rights, human security, etc.

A PDF version of the bulletin can be entirely downloaded from the database.

Multimedia Cd-rom
Cd-rom multimediali

The Archive carries out several activities in collaboration with schools, especially in the creation of educational cd-roms. All cd-roms can be downloaded from the database or used online following the links indicated in their file cards.

Booklets of the Human Rights Centre
I Tascabili del Centro diritti umani

Series of booklets, including international and national legal instruments and documentation, for an easy and practical consultation. They can be downloaded for free from the database.


Collection of notes, commentaries, reviews and other documents published as attachments to both the Review "Peace, human rights, rights of peoples" and the Review "Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights" from 1981 to the present day. All the documentation can be downloaded for free from the database

Please note:

The copyright of all the works made available in the database is owned by the Intedepartmental Centre on human rights and the rights of peoples, University of Padova.

It is forbidden to reproduce of differently use any part of the texts without authorisation except cases with no commercial or profit-making activities.

The materials must be used quoting their source: Interdepartmental Centre on human rights and the rights of peoples - University of Padova,

Texts must be quoted without alterations.

For further information, please contact the administrative office of the Centre: info AT

Italian Yearbook of Human Rights
Italian Yearbook of Human Rights (2011-2022)
Peter Lang International Academic Publishers (Bruxelles)
Picture of volumes of "Handbooks. Research and interdisciplinary documentation on Human rights", issued by Human Rights Centre
© Centro Diritti Umani - Università di Padova
Picture of volumes of Review Pace diritti umani - Peace human rights, issued by the Human Rights Centre
© Centro Diritti Umani - Università di Padova
Review "Pace diritti umani - Peace human rights" (2004-2013)
(New Series, Marsilio Publishing, Venezia)


university research


Human Rights Centre UNESCO Chair