The Global Campus Annual Report 2021

The Global Campus published the Annual Report 2021, which provides insights on its activities, achievements and contributions to empowering current and future human rights defenders as well as raising awareness of human rights and democracy around the world in 2021.
The core section of the report speaks about the results of the regional hubs headquartered in Venice, Sarajevo/Bologna, Pretoria, Bangkok, Yerevan, Buenos Aires and Beirut and their respective master’s programmes. The report also highlights the three innovative and very successful open access MOOCs offered during 2021; the specialised training courses with a focus on human rights defenders; the unique endeavours to foster the relationship between human rights and the arts; and the various activities devoted to the promotion of children's rights through education and research. According to the review, young people are more and more interested in the promotion and protection of human rights. The younger generation is seeking knowledge and taking a lead, especially when it comes to the protection of the environment and biodiversity, rights of indigenous communities, antiracism or protection from big tech. Additionally, the Report presents a list of events and programmes held and organised by the Global Campus in the previous year and proposes a new schedule for 2022.
The full text of the report can be found here.
The Global Campus of Human Rights is a multidisciplinary centre of excellence supported by the EU. Its goal is to promote human rights and democratisation through higher education, specialised training programmes, research and outreach. The Global Campus operates worldwide, through universities and its regional headquarters, coordinated by the main office located in Venice, Italy.