University of Padua: meeting with Peyvand Mansura, representative of International Tribunal for Iran

University of Padua will host, on 26 and 27 may, Peyvand Mansura, Iranian journalist for Pars agency during the Shah regime, and political prisoner for ten years under the Khomeinist period.
The journalist, together with relatives of killed political prisoners, political activists, students and workers, set up the “Tribunal for Iran”, a social movement fighting, since October 2007, to take the Islamic regime in front of an international court, and to shed light on the responsibilities for the tragedy of a People and for the massacre of defenceless persons in Iran, and to make possible that worldwide public opinion may judge the Iranian regime crimes.
Peyvan Mansura will keep a conference on Wednesday 26 May, from 9 to 10.30, in lecture-hall B1 – Ca' Borin, via del Santo, in the context of taught course of Human rights sociology held by Prof. Enzo Pace.
A second meeting for the master degree's students in Institutions and policies of human rights and peace will be held in the library of Human Rights Centre, via dei Martiri della Libertà 2, on Thursday 27, from 11 to 12.30.