
The collapsing migrants reception and the involution of the Italian system: the ActionAid Report 2024

1 March 1999,  Kosovar refugees fleeing their homeland.
© R LeMoyne / United Nations

Table of Contents

  • The involution of the reception system
  • The geography of reception
  • The reception of vulnerable persons
  • Consequences and implications
  • Perspectives and solutions
  • Conclusions


In recent years, the Italian reception system has undergone a radical transformation, moving from a model aimed at integration to one increasingly focused on emergency management of the migration crisis and the reduction of essential services. The report "Accoglienza al collasso. Centri d’Italia 2024" highlights several critical issues, including overcrowding, the lack of adequate institutional monitoring and the progressive marginalisation of asylum seekers. The new regulatory framework, with Decree Law 20/2023 and the latest administrative acts for reception centres, has introduced changes that have had significant consequences on the quality of reception and living conditions of guests.

The involution of the reception system

The approval of Decree-Law 20/2023 introduced a series of substantial changes in the Italian reception system. Among the most significant elements is the reduction of migrant support services, including legal guidance, psychological assistance, and Italian language courses. These cuts have had a devastating impact on asylum seekers' chances of integration, making it even more difficult for them to integrate into society.

The adoption of the new administrative acts led to an increase in the operating costs of facilities, which, however, has not translated into an improvement in the living conditions of the guests. On the contrary, resources devoted to personal services have been drastically reduced, while expenditure on rent, transport and consumer goods has increased. This management model has led to a deterioration of conditions in the centres, many of which are overcrowded and lack qualified staff.

In addition, the new management model has favoured the concentration of migrants into large structures, further reducing opportunities for integration and increasing the risk of social exclusion. The new rules have made it more difficult to move from temporary reception centres to more structured inclusion programmes, hindering access to work and vocational training.

One key element of the crisis in the Italian reception system is its growing administrative inefficiency. The lack of long-term planning and excessive bureaucracy have created a situation where many structures operate without a clear regulatory framework. The lack of centralised monitoring and transparency in resource management has contributed to increased waste and reduced reception quality.

Regulatory uncertainty has also increased the direct award of contracts for centre management, reducing reception quality and increasing public expenditure without any tangible benefit for guests. In addition, the growing bureaucracy and lack of coordination between prefectures, municipalities, and third-sector organisations have made it even more difficult to ensure a decent and efficient reception.

The geography of reception

The distribution of reception centres in Italy follows an unbalanced pattern. In the north of the country, Extraordinary Reception Centres (CAS) are generally smaller and distributed across the territory, while in the south the large overcrowded structures prevail. The percentage of places in CAS compared to the total system reached 68.3%, demonstrating that extraordinary reception has now become the norm, despite the numbers not justifying a state of emergency.

The concentration of centres in certain geographical areas has created tensions with local communities, fuelling feelings of hostility and mistrust towards migrants. The lack of a fair and sustainable distribution plan has made some areas of the country excessively burdened by large facilities, while others are completely devoid of reception centres.

Between 2022 and 2023, the capacity of centres with more than 300 places increased by 360%, reflecting the tendency to concentrate migrants in large structures, with negative consequences on the integration and living conditions of the guests. This model has a negative impact on local communities and the quality of services offered, increasing the risk of social marginalization.

Large structures create difficulties in managing and controlling the living conditions of guests and hinder the process of work and social integration of migrants. The absence of inclusion projects and the impossibility of establishing a direct relationship with the local community make the centres similar to ghettos, with harmful consequences for both migrants and host cities.

The reception of vulnerable persons

Women represent a growing share of guests in the centres, with a five-fold increase between 2014 and 2023. However, the reduction of support services has made their path to autonomy more difficult. The main difficulties concern access to health care services, job placement and social integration. Without adequate support, many migrant women find themselves forced to rely on informal networks that can expose them to situations of vulnerability and exploitation.

The situation is even more critical for unaccompanied foreign minors (MSNA). In 2023, their presence in extraordinary reception centres grew by 63.9%, with over  700 minors placed in adult facilities, an unacceptable practice from legal and humanitarian point of view.  The placement of minors in contexts that are not suited to their age has serious psychological and social consequences, preventing them from accessing adequate educational pathways and increasing the risk of isolation and deviance.

These figures highlight a fundamental problem: reception is not only a logistical issue but also a social and psychological one. Minors, lacking reference points and adequate support, risk falling victims to labour exploitation, trafficking in human beings or organised crime. In addition, the lack of effective educational programs and stable reference figures drastically reduces their opportunities to build a better future.

Despite European and national standards imposing minimum reception standards, the Italian state continues to violate its obligations, reducing access to essential services and adopting restrictive policies that limit the rights of asylum seekers. European directives clearly state that unaccompanied minors must be accommodated in facilities suitable for their age and must receive specific support for their educational and integration path. However, Italy continues to disregard these principles, leaving many minors abandoned and without protection.

In addition to minors, another group particularly affected by the crisis in the reception system is that of women victims of violence and trafficking. Many of them arrive in Italy after suffering abuse and exploitation, but the current system does not offer them adequate protection. The shortage of specialized centres and the reduction in resources for psychological and legal support services make their rehabilitation and integration into society even more difficult. Furthermore, anti-violence centres are insufficient concerning the number of people in need of assistance, and access to international protection measures is hampered by complex bureaucratic procedures and long waiting times.

Violations of the right to reception are also reflected in the treatment reserved for people with special needs, such as people with disabilities, chronic illnesses and psychological disorders. The reduction of funds for medical support and the absence of personalised care programmes put at risk the health and dignity of many already vulnerable people.

Ultimately, the current reception management not only fails to meet European standards, but also jeopardise the fundamental rights of migrants. Without a radical change in reception policies, Italy will continue to perpetuate a situation of marginalization and social exclusion for thousands of people seeking protection.

Consequences and implications

The lack of an effective reception system not only hinders the integration of migrants but also increases the risk of social exclusion and exploitation. Without adequate access to education, work and health services, people housed in temporary centres and CAS remain trapped in a limbo of precariousness.

The absence of structured programs for labour market integration prevents migrants from achieving economic autonomy, forcing them to depend on informal networks often linked to undeclared work or exploitation. In addition, the lack of adequate linguistic support limits the possibilities for communication and building ties with the host society, reinforcing dynamics of isolation and marginalization.

From a human rights perspective, the reduction of services in the centres has led to a deterioration in the living conditions of asylum seekers. In many facilities, hygienic-sanitary conditions are inadequate, spaces are overcrowded, and food quality is poor. In some cases, there have been episodes of violence and mistreatment without institutions ensuring adequate monitoring of the situation.

Another critical aspect is the treatment of people with vulnerabilities, such as unaccompanied minors, women victims of violence, and people with disabilities. The lack of specialised facilities and the absence of an adequate support system put at risk the safety and well-being of these people, often already marked by traumatic experiences in their countries of origin or during their migration journey.

Contrary to the dominant narrative, the new administrative acts have increased the costs of reception but reduced the expenses for services to the person. This model is not only economically inefficient but also entails high social costs, exacerbating the public’s negative perception of migrants.

The emergency system has a direct impact on local communities as well. The lack of coordination between institutions and integration projects contributes to tensions between the resident population and migrants, fuelling feelings of hostility and discrimination. In addition, the lack of investment in training and employment programs for migrants reduces their chances of making a positive contribution to the economic and social fabric of the country.

From an economic point of view, the use of large-scale reception facilities has proven to be ineffective compared to more sustainable models, such as distributed reception. The maintenance of overcrowded centres requires considerable public resources without offering real benefits either for guests or for the host communities.

Perspectives and solutions

To improve reception, a long-term planning model is needed, reducing dependence on special reception and promoting more sustainable solutions such as distributed reception. This system, already successfully tested in some Italian regions, allows a more equitable distribution of asylum seekers on the territory and facilitates their integration into local communities.

Another key element in making the system more efficient is transparency in resource management. The creation of an independent monitoring system that can verify conditions in the centres and ensure compliance with minimum reception standards, is essential to prevent abuses and improve the quality of services.

Local governments and third sector organisations play a crucial role in the integration of migrants. Greater involvement of these actors could improve the quality of reception and facilitate the transition to a more inclusive model. For example, municipal administrations could develop inclusion policies that promote access to vocational training and work, while third sector associations could provide legal, psychological and social support to asylum seekers. Strengthening cooperation between institutions and civil society could therefore contribute to building a more humane and effective reception system.

Investing in social inclusion policies, such as language and vocational training programs, represents a winning strategy to turn reception into an opportunity for development for the country. Creating integration pathways that include internships, training courses and incentives for employment can help migrants become autonomous and make a positive contribution to society.

Another aspect to consider is the promotion of a more balanced public discourse on immigration. Raising public awareness of the benefits of well-managed reception and countering the spread of negative stereotypes can help create a climate of greater openness and collaboration between migrants and local communities.


The Italian reception system is in crisis due to ineffective policies and emergency management that penalize both migrants and host communities. However, there are concrete alternatives to improve the situation: adopting a more balanced reception model, investing in essential services, and involving the territory more. Only in this way will it be possible to build a fairer and more efficient system, able to guarantee dignity and opportunity to those who arrive in Italy seeking protection.





migration report reception