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measured. Attempts to do so are often met with criticism.

However, attempts have been – and should continue to be

– made to more scientifically and systematically measure the

situation in Malaysia and compare it to that in other countries

or societies.

At present, the relevant index for Malaysia is the Societal

Stress Index (SSI). It measures the number (per million popu-

lation per year) of interpersonal or group conflicts reported to

the Malaysian police involving two or more ethnic or religious

groups, plus the number of street demonstrations on issues

of social conflict, and controversies involving race or religion

being reported or debated in the media. The SSI for 2012,

2013 reflected 2014 was 19.9, 18.9 and 14.1 incidents per

million respectively.

While the SSI does not take into account public percep-

tion about the incidents it measures, it provides a basis for

comparison over the years. It also enables the identification

of hot spots that need special attention and mediation efforts.

Currently, JPNIN uses this information to channel more

resources to these hot spots for the training of community

leaders in mediation skills.

Our premise is that more interactions among different

segments of Malaysian society at home, in communities,

workplaces, schools and universities will encourage greater

acceptance and celebration of diversity, which in turn should

enhance inclusiveness and ultimately improve unity. Several

programmes and projects have been implemented to promote

social integration among Malaysians, reflecting the long-term

commitment in the past few decades. They have achieved

varying levels of results and therefore will need further

enhancement upon more in-depth review.

Unity as described by the 1Malaysia concept is very much

different from the assimilation concept practised in other

countries, whereby the ethnic identity is eliminated and

replaced with one national identity. 1Malaysia appreciates and

respects the principles of the Federal Constitution as well as

the ethnic identity of every race in Malaysia, and considers it

as an asset or advantage to be proud of.

Unity is the heart of political stability, economic develop-

ment and social harmony. The current peace and harmony of

life inspire Malaysians to strengthen the relationships among

the different ethnic groups, and to ensure that Malaysians

understand the importance of unity as enshrined in the

National Ideology.

The implementation of programmes and activities plays a

major role in promoting national unity and unifying the differ-

ent backgrounds of Malaysian societies. These programmes

help to shape a one-of-a-kind culture in Malaysia that is

conducive to nation-building to promote and enhance unity

and harmony among peoples of various races.

1Malaysia is also a reminder of the importance of achieving

national unity. Although the leadership in Malaysia changes

from time to time, the vision to achieve peaceful and harmoni-

ous social cohesion remains unchanged.

Achieving national unity has been and will continue to be

the most important mission for Malaysia and Malaysians. It

is an ongoing and perhaps never-ending mission requiring

significant commitment. 1Malaysia has provided a renewed

sense of direction and purpose, a new breath of inspiration

and a heightened aspiration. New outlooks and new ideas

are emerging.

The management and approaches of cultural diversity

through intercultural dialogue as a means of promoting

awareness, understanding, reconciliation and tolerance, as

well as preventing conflicts and ensuring integration and the

cohesion of society, is a good mechanism for strengthening

national unity that is more educational, systematic and suit-

able for a multicultural nation like Malaysia.

To achieve development for the nation, the people must be developed

first, by nurturing acceptance and fortitude among races to bring about an

unwavering unity

The implementation of programmes and activities plays a major role

in promoting national unity and unifying the different backgrounds of

Malaysian societies

Image: Dept of National Unity & National Integration, Malaysia

Image: Dept of National Unity & National Integration, Malaysia




