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Harnessing the digital dividend: an

approach to knowledge-sharing in Africa

Bakri M Abdul Karim and Bernadette Dia Kamgnia, African Development Bank


nowledge management is integral to the African

Development Bank’s (AfDB) mandate as Africa’s

premier development financing institution. In his

inaugural statement at the beginning of a second term

of office as President of AfDB (1 September 2010), Dr

Donald Kaberuka affirmed that he will strive to “strongly

reinforce internal knowledge generation, dissemination

capacity, to inform our own work in this area, but also

to determine how best Africa draws dividends from this

new global economy.” This statement is clear evidence

of the extent to which AfDB recognizes the importance

of knowledge as an agent of sustainable development,

and how the bank is building strategies to combine

knowledge and financial resources towards developing

innovative solutions to Africa’s complex development

challenges. Established in 1964, AfDB’s prime objec-

tive is to mobilize financial resources, provide policy

advice and knowledge, and build capacity to assist its 54

African member countries in achieving inclusive growth

and sustainable development.

Over the past 50 years, the bank has built a huge stock

of critical development knowledge that it pledges to make

easily available to its member countries as well as to other

development stakeholders worldwide. In order to manage

this knowledge AfDB has maintained a number of online

repositories, which store information resources that can

be described as a ‘hybrid’ collection of both physical and

digital material. Most of these resources have not been made

available to the public even though the bank has a mandate

to share the knowledge it generates with its development

partners. This is mainly due to the lack of appropriate tools

and platforms for knowledge-sharing.

An open-access digital portal, in the form of an African

Development Knowledge Digital Portal (ADKP), while

complementing the existing Knowledge and Virtual Resources

Center of the bank, defines an ideal solution to harnessing

digital technology for knowledge-sharing in the continent.

Deployment of a modern digital portal with underlying

digital asset management software is necessary to improve

access to development knowledge in Africa. The ideal

AfDB recognizes the importance of knowledge as an agent of sustainable development

Image: AfDB




