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Inquadratura dall'alto della sala circolare in cui si è tenuta la decima sessione speciale del Consiglio diritti umani tenutasi a Ginevra nel 2009.
© UN Photo/Jean-Marc FERRE

Consiglio Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite: lettera dei Consigli comunali e regionali italiani

Nell'ambito della camapagna di city diplomacy per il riconoscimento internazionale del diritto umano alla pace, gli enti locali (Consigli comunali e regionali) hanno inviato, nel dicembre 2014, una copia della seguente lettera a tutti i rappresentanti degli Stati membri del Consiglio Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite, affinchè prendessero coscienza dell’importante evoluzione della campagna stessa.

December 2014

To the Honorable Members of the Human Rights Council, Geneva

Subject: Recognition of the Right to Peace


we are pleased to submit to Your consideration the Motion “We have a right to peace”, endorsed at the end of the celebration of the International Human Rights Day 2014 that took place in the Aula Magna ‘Galileo Galilei’ of the University of Padua with the participation of professors, students, civil society organisations and a group of Mayors from different Municipalities.

It is the last outcome of a large campaign going on in Italy for the international recognition of peace as a fundamental right of the human person and of the peoples. So far more than 300 Councils of Municipalities, Provinces and Regions have formally adopted a previous Petitionary Motion (herewith attached).

We know that informal consultations are currently carried out, with enlightened commitment, by the Chair-Rapporteur of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Right to Peace to finalise a draft Declaration.

We hope that consultations will gather consensus on a text that will transpose the content of article 1 of the draft prepared by the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council: this would be a truly significant step along the standard-setting process in re.
Public opinion expectations in this direction are growing, being aware of the historical opportunity that is now offered to endow all members of the human family with a very precious international instrument. World wide disappointment would grown-up as the result of the ongoing process was the empteenth generic document lacking specific obligations for States and for all.

Excellency, we count on Your personal commitment to finalise a document of great historic significance.

With our highest esteem.

Il Sindaco