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Logo ufficiale del Master Europeo in diritti umani e democratizzazione (e.ma)

Legge Regionale 28 dicembre 1998, n. 33

Master europeo in diritti umani e democratizzazione La Regione del Veneto sostiene, anche mediante un contributo annuale, il Master europeo gestito dall'European Inter-University Centre for Human ...

Aggiornato il 26/2/2019
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[Il Centro Diritti Umani]

E.MA Students and Theses (Academic year 2002/2003)

Almpanaki Manolia (Greek) The Media and the Violation of International Law during the Kosovo Crisis Anttila Jane (Finnish) Civil Society in Search of Truth and Democracy Araujo Torres Da Silva ...

Aggiornato il 23/2/2010
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[Il Centro Diritti Umani]

E.MA Students and Theses (Academic year 2001/2002)

Afridi Asif (British) Unveiling Islam in the Media: A Critical Examination of the Under-Representation of Islam in British Media Al Zain Sae’d (Palestinian) The Palestinian Authority ...

Aggiornato il 23/2/2010
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[Il Centro Diritti Umani]

E.MA Students and Theses (Academic year 2000/2001)

Albaladejo Escribano Isabel Maria (Spanish) The Battle against Impunity: Universal Jurisdiction over Genocide and Crimes against Humanity Albarran Cristina (Spanish) The Right to Access to ...

Aggiornato il 23/2/2010
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[Il Centro Diritti Umani]

E.MA Students and Theses (Academic year 1999/2000)

Aguiar Patricio Ana Rita (Portuguese) Village Destruction and Forced Eviction in Southeast Turkey. Gross Violations on Human Rights under the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental ...

Aggiornato il 23/2/2010
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[Il Centro Diritti Umani]

E.MA Students and Theses (Academic year 1998/1999)

Aboltinis Reinis (Latvian) Legal Framework for Minority Rights in Education: Practice in Some of the European Countries and Latvia Barnier Laetitia (French) An Evaluation of the Protection ...

Aggiornato il 23/2/2010
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[Il Centro Diritti Umani]

E.MA Students and Theses (Academic year 1997/1998)

Abolina Dace (Latvian) Freedom of the Press in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and in the Baltic States Albrecht Valerie (Belgian) The Link between Human Rights and ...

Aggiornato il 23/2/2010
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Educazione ai diritti umani: per la prima volta Università russe offrono master in diritti umani

Con l'inizio dell'anno accademico 2009/2010 tre Università russe, dopo aver firmato un accordo formale con l'Ufficio dell'Alto Commisario per i diritti umani delle Nazioni Unite, forniranno per la ...

Aggiornato il 13/10/2009
Immagine della locandina del convegno, seguito da un concerto, intitolato "The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union", Monastero di San Nicolò, Venezia, 16 Dicembre 2000
[Il Centro Diritti Umani]

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

Organised by The European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratization In co-operation with The Faculty of Law, University Robert Schuman, Strasbourg the Municipality of Venice in the ...

Aggiornato il 4/11/2009
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[Il Centro Diritti Umani]

European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization Aawrding of Diplomas 1999-2000 and Inauguration of the Academic Year 2000-2001

Welcome Address Vincenzo Milanesi, Vice-Rector of the University of Padua Speeches of Authorities Marino Cortese, Municipality of Venice Luca Bellotti, Human Rights Councillor, Region of Veneto ...

Aggiornato il 4/11/2009
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[Il Centro Diritti Umani]

European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization Aawrding of Diplomas 1998-1999 and Inauguration of the Academic Year 1999-2000

Welcome Address Giovanni Marchesini, Rettore Magnifico of the University of Padua Franca Bimbi, Municipality of Venice Fabio Gava, Region of Veneto Enrique Baron Crespo, European Parliament ...

Aggiornato il 4/11/2009
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[Il Centro Diritti Umani]

European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization Aawrding of Diplomas 1997-1998 and Inauguration of the Academic Year 1998-1999

Welcome Address Giovanni Marchesini, Rettore Magnifico of the University of Padua Massimo Cacciari, Mayor of Venice Giancarlo Galan, President of the Region of Veneto Opening Lecture Jacques ...

Aggiornato il 4/11/2009
Immagine della locandina di presentazione del Master Europeo in Diritti Umani e Democratizzazione, anno accademico 1997 - 1998.
[Il Centro Diritti Umani]

Opening Cerimony European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation

Welcome Address Roberto Cecchi, Soprintendente to the Monuments of Venice Giuseppe Zaccaria, Pro Rettore of the University of Padua, Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences Giancarlo Galan, ...

Aggiornato il 4/11/2009
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[Il Centro Diritti Umani]

European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization Aawrding of Diplomas 2000-2001 and Inauguration of the Academic Year 2001-2002

Welcome Address Aldo Rossi, Pro Rector of the University of Padua Speeches of Authorities Paolo Costa, Mayor of Venice Ermanno Sarrajotto, Region of Veneto Michael Goblet D’Alviella, Director ...

Aggiornato il 14/10/2009

European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation

AA.VV. (2003)


Aggiornato il 8/11/2010