Joint Transnational Meetings
Nice, France. 12th-13th March 2015
The Joint Transnational Meeting in Nice, scheduled at the end of the research activity carried out in the 4 Countries involved, was aimed at:
- Joint analysis and exchange of research results on the phenomenon of trafficking for the purpose of exploitation in illegal activities in the 4 countries involved;
- Introduction of national intervention systems and operating procedures in place in the involved countries, in particular relation to situations of severe exploitation connected to forced criminal activities;
- Identification of agency-specific and multi-agency best practices about recognition-identification, referral and assistance of victims, particularly about Roma minors;
- Identification of transferability criteria of detected best practices in order to set up a prototype for agency-specific and multi-agency practices in recognition-identification, referral and assistance;
- Definition of the planning and the methodology of multi-agency training to be carried out in the following months
Programme Transnational Meeting, Nice
Budapest, Hungary. 29th-30th May 2015
The Budapest Joint Transnational Meeting was programmed at the end of the research activity on the phenomenon and the practices carried out in the 4 involved countries, before the implementation of the multi-agency training to take place in each country in Autumn 2015. Its main aims were to:
Discuss among relevant professionals from different key-agencies the proposal of an agency-specific and multi-agency human rights-based Transnational Prototype of referral practices and procedures for the identification and protection of persons trafficked into forced criminal activities (with also a specific focus on minors and on Roma people);
Provide input about the planning and implementation of a multi-agency training to be carried out between August and November in each country. The multi-agency training courses, addressing social and law enforcement key-professionals,will be aimed at increasing and exchanging knowledge about trafficking into forced criminal activities and at developing identification, referral, protection and assistance measures and procedures for persons trafficked into forced criminal activities.
Programme Transnational Meeting, Budapest
Bucharest, Romania. 17th-18th December 2015
The Bucharest Joint Transnational meeting was aimed at:
Validating, on the basis of national training activities, the proposed agency-specific and multi-agency human rights-based Transnational Prototype of referral practices and procedures for the identification and protection of persons trafficked into forced criminal activities (with also a specific focus on minors and Roma people);
Presenting, sharing and discussing the multi-agency operational protocols developed in the framework of the national training activities, for the identification, referral and assistance of presumed victims of trafficking involved in forced criminal activities (with a specific focus on minors and Roma minors). Assessment of both the training and the workshop - if already held- outcomes and their implementation prospects.