© Università degli Studi di Padova - Credits: HCE Web agency
Cracow, Poland
Founded in 1993, the Human Rights Centre of the Jagiellonian University cooperates with national and foreign partners in order to promote education and scientific research on human rights. The Centre is co-organizer of the Human Rights Olympic Tests for students. It also cooperates closely with students legal clinic and its sections (section of human rights) working on the Jagiellonian University.
biuro AT juhrc.org
Ośrodek Praw Człowieka
Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Al. Zygmunta Krasińskiego 18
30–101 Cracow
Poznań, Poland
Created in 1973, the Poznan Human Rights Centre is an institution working within the framework of the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. From the very beginning, the Centre was created in order to promote knowledge in the field of human rights and to conduct research. Every year, the Centre organizes conferences as well as summer courses for students and young researchers in order to educate them on human rights and help them to develop skills to work in the human rights field.
phrc AT phrc.pl
Poznań Human Rights Centre
Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Mielżyńskiego 27/29
The Centre participates in the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC)
Warsaw, Poland
The Centre was established in 1993 as an interdisciplinary research team whose objective was to undertake in-depth, wide-scale and comprehensive studies on migration in present-day Poland. Today, the Centre is an interdisciplinary inter-faculty research unit of the University of Warsaw, with 30 researchers currently affiliated within its works. Among the main activities of the Centre remain conducting scientific projects, organizing national and international conferences and seminars as well as postgraduate programme in “International Migration”.
The Centre’s Bulletin is available online
Working papers
migration.cmr AT uw.edu.pl
Centre of Migration Research
Banacha street 2b
02-097 Warsaw
Toruń, Poland
Established in 1993 at Nicolas Copernicus University (Toruń) it is the only UNESCO Chair in Poland which focuses on the issue of human rights. Among the main objectives of the Centre are to organize and promote an integrated system of research, training, information and documentation activities on the field of education for democracy and peace through human rights and to facilitate regional, sub-regional and international collaboration between high-level, internationally recognized researchers and teachers and research and teaching staff of the University. The Chair coordinates also special education programs for teachers and public administration workers in order to promote and improve the national educational system in the field of democracy and peace.
tjasud AT poczta.onet.pl
michal.balcerzak AT aw.umk.pl
Nicholas Copernicus University of Torun
ul. Gagarina 15, 87-100 Toruń,Poland
Warsaw University, Poland
Established in 1996 within the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology of the Warsaw University, the Chair aims to develop educational programs and researches regarding the woman position in society. The Chair holds courses and seminars on Warsaw Universityregarding a men and women situation in political, cultural and economic context. Other research topics of the Chair are gender and power in private and public sphere; gender and age as element of social inclusion and exclusion; woman and man in politics
siemens AT post.pl
UNESCO Chair in Women, Society and Development
ul.Karowa 18
00-324 Warsaw
Warsaw, Poland
Established in 2003 within the Institute of Administrative and Legal Sciences, Faculty of Law and Administration,University of Warsaw. Its purpose is not only to develop research in human rights’ influence on the legal order, but above all to promote human rights thinking and integrate human rights academic and professional community. Every year the institution organises the Annual Conference regarding the topics connected with human rights issues.
Annual reports
https://pl.zpc.wpia.uw.edu.pl/about/reports-for-the-ministry-of-higher-education-and-research/ (polish)
University of Padova
Human Rights Centre
"Antonio Papisca"
Complesso Universitario
Via Beato Pellegrino, 28
35137 Padova
Tel 049 827 1813 / 1817
Certified e-mail (PEC)
University of Padova
Human Rights Centre
"Antonio Papisca"
Complesso Universitario
Via Beato Pellegrino, 28
35137 Padova
Tel 049 827 1813 / 1817
Certified e-mail (PEC)
© Università degli Studi di Padova - Credits: HCE Web agency