© Università degli Studi di Padova - Credits: HCE Web agency
Since its foundation, the main purpose of the Human Rights Centre and of UNESCO Chair Human Rights, Democracy and Peace’s research activity has been to contribute to the in-depth analysis and the dissemination of the culture of human rights.
Research starts from the premise that "human rights knowledge" is a peace-, values- and action-oriented and constitutionally interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge, which intends to develop peace as a work of justice, not only among persons, peoples and groups, but also among particular areas of knowledge.
Information and attachments about the projects are available in Italian. Accessing the Italian page of Current Research Projects you are leaving the English version of the website
Trafficked and Exploited Minors between Vulnerability and Illegality. Forced criminal activities as a new form of exploitation in human trafficking: knowledge and human rights based practices (TEMVI)
The Italian Foreign Policy in front of the new challenges of the international system: actors, institutions and policies (PRIN-PEI)
The Norm “Peace Human Rights” in the Fundamental Laws of Italian Provinces and Municipalities and in the Fundamental and Secondary Laws of Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces
The Ombudsman in the Regions, the Provinces and the Municipalities as a non-judicial instrument for the protection of human rights
Educational Modules on Human Rights in University Courses
Toward an integrated view of human rights and human development: theoretical foundations, measurement issues and policy implications
Information and attachments about the projects are available in Italian. By accessing the Italian page of Completed Research Projects, you are leaving the English version of the website
STOP FOR-BEG AgainST emerging fOrms of trafficking in Italy: exPloited immigrants in the international phenomenon of FORced BEGgging
Strengthening and Democratizing the United Nations
Human Rights and Trafficking in Women and Young People. An Educational Toolkit for Teachers and Students
The Role of intercultural dialogue for the development of a new (plural, democratic) citizenship (2005-2007)
International Criminal Justice into the Human Rights Paradigm (1999-2003)
Local Authorities and Human Rights
The Ombudsman and Human Rights
Human Rights Education
Rights of the Children
Global Civil Society
Intercultural Dialogue and Human Rights
European Union, Human Rights, Peace
International Democracy and Human Rights
Problems of the “New” World Order
Human Rights and Peace
Information and attachments about these documents are available in Italian. By accessing the Italian page of the documents elaborated by the Centre you are leaving the English version of the website
Peace is not its Name but what it Does: The Political Agenda of Human Rights
Document presented by the Director and the Deputy Director of the Centre to the 7 Peoples' United Nations Assembly (ONU dei Popoli), 2007
Preliminary Reflection of a feasability study for the establishment of the the Peace Civil Corp in Italy. The Primacy Role of Human Rights, Non-violence and the Politics Aimed at Conflict Prevention and Resolution
Antonio Papisca, Director of the Human Rights Centre and UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace”. Documents prepared for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 2007
Final Declaration adopted at the International Conference on the Role of intercultural dialogue for the development of a new (plural, democratic) citizenship
University of Padova, Aula Magna ‘Galileo Galilei’, 2nd-3rd March 2007.
Global Civil Society to reform and democratize the United Nations
Document presented by Marco Mascia and Antonio Papisca at the national seminar of the Tavola della Pace “Peace a political design”, Perugia, Villa Umbra, 17th, 18th and 19th September 2004 and at the International Seminar “Reclaim our UN”, Padua, 19th-20th November 2004.
For a Legal Peace in the Balkans
University of Padova, 13 April 1999
Appeal for democratizing the UN
Appeal promoted by the Associazione della Pace and elaborated by the Direction of the Human Rights Centre, Rome, September 1992.
Self-determination, human rights, rights of the peoples, rights of the minorities, transnational territories
Document elaborated by the direction of the Human Rights Centre and presente at the General Conference of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly, HCA Bratislava, 25 and 29 March 1992.
Document presented at the Moscow Meeting on Human Dimension of the CSCE
Moscow, September-October 1991, prepared by the Human Rights Centre, being it the coordinator of the Human Rights Commission of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly.
For a World Constitutional Assembly for Peace and Development: Appeal by young members of the Italian NGO “Mani Tese”
Florence, Palazzo Vecchio, November 1985: Final Resolution of the International Conference of Mani Tese: “Young people, development and peoples' participation
University of Padova
Human Rights Centre
"Antonio Papisca"
Complesso Universitario
Via Beato Pellegrino, 28
35137 Padova
Tel 049 827 1813 / 1817
Certified e-mail (PEC)
University of Padova
Human Rights Centre
"Antonio Papisca"
Complesso Universitario
Via Beato Pellegrino, 28
35137 Padova
Tel 049 827 1813 / 1817
Certified e-mail (PEC)
© Università degli Studi di Padova - Credits: HCE Web agency