Ph.D. of National Interest in Peace Studies

On the initiative of the Network of Italian Universities for Peace (RUniPace), a Ph.D. of National Interest in Peace Studies has been established, starting from a.y. 2024/2025.
The Italian partner universities are 34, among them we find the University of Padova with its Human Rights Centre ‘Antonio Papisca’ and the connected UNESCO Chair Human Rights, Democracy and Peace.
The National PhD programme’s coordinator is Prof. Alessandro Saggioro of Sapienza University of Rome.
The Ph.D. in Peace Studies is the main, concrete response of Italian universities to the spread of wars, nationalism, the crisis of the rule of law and democratic principles, the increase in inequalities and gender violence.
The partner Universities aim to develop in Italy, in a lively interaction with thematic projects already launched at international level and in close cooperation with the relevant international intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, a high-level higher education with a genuinely interdisciplinary character on the topics of peace, human rights, conflict resolution and peace studies, disarmament and the building of inclusive and sustainable societies.
Inspired by universal values and the Sustainable Development Goals, the Ph.D. Programme focuses on the topics of conflict and peace, contributing to building a fairer and inclusive society through advanced research and the practical application of competences to be acquired in 10 curricula:
- Curriculum 1 - Technology, Sustainability and Peace
- Curriculum 2 - Identities, Memories, Religions, and Peace
- Curriculum 3 - Peacebuilding, Human Rights, Peoples’ Rights
- Curriculum 4 - Peace education and migrations
- Curriculum 5 - Architectures and Landscapes of Peace
- Curriculum 6 - Space, territory, resources, and narratives for peaceful pathways
- Curriculum 7 - Peace economics
- Curriculum 8 - Literature, Arts, Philosophies and Imageries of Peace
- Curriculum 9 - Restorative Justice, Transitional Justice and Nonviolent Conflict Transformation
- Curriculum 10 - Dynamics, processes and actors in international relations
For information relating exclusively to the Curriculum 3 research programme “Peacebuilding, Human Rights, Peoples’ Rights” send an email to:
Information on the PhD Course (board of teachers, call for applications, training offer, etc.) is available on the Sapienza Università di Roma website.