Conferences and Seminars
Events, Conferences and Seminars promoted by the Human Rights Centre since 1982

Since its establishment, the Human Rights Centre has constantly promoted conferences and study seminars organised in partnership with the Region of Veneto, local, national and international authorities and institutions, municipalities, provinces, civil society associations, and schools aimed at exploring the wide and articulated theme of human rights.
The following pages collect information about the many conferences and seminars organised by the Centre in more than 25 years of activities.
For the historical archives (from 1982 to 2009) the English version of the website provides the translations of conferences' and seminars' titles (and possible information) together with a direct link to the equivalent section in the Italian version.
For recent conferences the English version provides a page for each event in English; links to Italian pages may be included in those pages.

Zero Evictions Marathon 2024, University of Padova, 11 October 2024
The first International Marathon of testimonies, talks, science, and art against forced evictions: 11 October 2024

International Workshop "Transforming the Future: Women and Youth Building Peace", 25 October 2023, Rome
Wednesday 25 October 2023, Casa Internazionale delle Donne - Via della Lungara, 19 - Rome

The challenge of human rights in Palestine, University of Padova, 17 May 2023
University of Padova, Palazzo Bo, Archivio Antico, Wednesday 17 May 2023, 4-6.30 p.m.

Truth for Giulio Regeni, University of Padova, 3 March 2023
Friday 3 March 2023, 5 p.m., Palazzo Bo, Archivio Antico, University of Padova
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