Zero Evictions Marathon 2024, University of Padova, 11 October 2024
Event date: Friday 11 October 2024

On October 11th, the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova, Italy, in cooperation with the International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAI), will hold the “International Zero Evictions Marathon” as part of the World Zero Eviction Days (October 2024).
The marathon will bring the voices of resistance from across the globe to demonstrate how they are fighting back.
The ZEM will feature live sessions and recorded contributions across time zones, from the Asia-Pacific to the Americas.
Our objectives are:
- Increasing commitment against forced evictions and homelessness as violations of human rights
- Focusing on the link between forced evictions, homelessness and climate change
- Discussing the impact of AI in the housing market and policies
- Supporting global solidarity networks to defend housing rights activists
- Advocating for the implementation at all levels of housing policies grounded in human rights
11 October 2024, from dawn to dusk, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 pm UTC (Click for local time)
Onsite: Via Beato Pellegrino, 28, Padua, Italy (Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua). The contributions at the Human Rights Centre will be in Italian and English.
Online: on the Zoom platform of the University:, or on YouTube:
On the Zoom platform, a French, Spanish and Portoguese simultaneous translation will be available.
(a booklet with the whole programme is available below)
The reported time refers to UTC timezone.
7:30 UTC
Welcome and Introduction
Human Rights Centre, University of Padua and International Alliance of Inhabitants
Marco Mascia, Paolo De Stefani, Franca Viganò, Cesare Ottolini
Asian Segment
Homeless, urban poor fighting back against eviction!
Mimi Doringo, Secretary-general Kai Duque, International Officer
"Musi River Development Project Evictees protest Proh5"
Campaign for Housing and Tenurial Rights (CHATRI)
Varghese Theckanath, Director MSI and IAI coordinator for Asia, India
European and African Segment
Homelessness and health: Italy and the COVID-19 pandemic
Franca Viganò, University of Padova
Housing as a Human Right and the Impact of Evictions
International Union of Tenants (IUT)
Pablo Blöchlinger, Member of the Board of the International Union of Tenants (IUT)
Who owns our cities? Defending the right to housing - Exchanging experiences from Athens and Berlin.
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - Athens Office
Olga Nassis, project manager, IAI Greece
Roma access to quality and affordable housing: an ongoing challenge in Europe
European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network
Florin Botonogu, Director of the Policy Center for Roma and Minorities - Romanian member organisation of the ERGO Network, Brussels
Stop especulación = Stop Desahucios
Plataforma de Afectadas por la Hipoteca PAH
Pako Morote, portavoz, Spain
Una città sfratti zero è una città vuoti zero. La sicurezza sociale passa con la garanzia dei diritti
Unione inquilini
Silvia Paoluzzi, Segretaria Nazionale Unione Inquilini, Italy
Immobili in Abbandono e Famiglie Senza Casa
Isopo Emanuela, segretaria Unione Inquilini Fiumicino, Italy
Forced Evictions in the Violation Database
Housing and Land Rights Network - HIC, Egypt
Joseph Schechla, convener
Video 1: Tozkoparan is Ours
Video 2: The Neighborhood Against the Canal
Istanbul Urban Defense
Yasin Serindere activist and documentarist, Turkey
720.000 casas vazias, nem mais um despejo!
Habitação Hoje, Portugal
Romain Valentino
The UI-IAI Report to UN UPR 48 on Italy's violations of the right to housing
International Alliance of Inhabitants
Cesare Ottolini, IAI global coordinator
“Convivenze” ("Cohabitations") - 1
Reading by Roberto Caruso, Abracalam, from the novel by Norberto Presta
Introduction to the American segment
Strategies to Stop Evictions in New York State
Right to Counsel, USA
Renette Bradley - Tenant Leader with H.O.P.E. Brooklyn
Jacob Buckner - Tenant Leader with Brooklyn Eviction Defense
Dio Kaufman - Tenant Leader with Capital District Democratic Socialists of America
Katy Lasell - Campaign Organizer with the Right to Counsel Coalition
(the other representatives are from our member organizations)
Khadija Haynes, Tenant Leader with Brooklyn Eviction Defense"
Alquilar en la era Milei
Inquilinos Agrupados, Argentina
Ignacio Javier Ini
Lucha por la vivienda social en la traza de la ExAu3
Vecinos Unidos de la Exau3 - Sector 4, Argentina
Susana Rodríguez
International Tribunal of Evictions (ITE)
Soha Ben Slama, ITE coordinator, Tunisia
Augustin Territoriale, ITE Expert Jury member, Argentina
“Convivenze” ("Cohabitations") - 2
Reading by Roberto Caruso, Abracalam, from the novel by Norberto Presta
"Barramos todas las injusticias de este mundo"
Mujeres por La Boca, Argentina
Mariana Patricia Oliva
Resistencia y Lucha: una historia de pobladores organizados
El Muro Latinoamericano, Uruguay- Ecuador
Patricia Sanchez Gallegos - Pablo Caballero Moreira
Desalojo en empresas recuperadas
FEDEVI, Argentina
Plácido Peñarrieta
Por el Alquiler Social en Argentina
Grupo Promotor Alquiler Social, Argentina
Juan Juri, Mónica Gallegos Quesquén, Magalí Zirulnikoff y Fernando Castiglia
Leitura Critica sobre os 27 anos dos financiamentos do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) na cidade de São Jose dos Campos, estado de São Paulo Brasil
Associação de Favelas SJ Campos SP
Cosme Vitor
El ruido produce desalojos, desarraigos, desahucios, desplazamientos y violencia
Junta Cívica Paraje El Pinar (Fuente Clara Robledo), Colombia
Carlos Cadavid
El Derecho a la Vivienda en Venezuela y como las medidas coercitivas unilaterales han afectado el derecho a una vivienda adecuada
Fundación Venezolana por el Derecho a la Vivienda (FUNDAVIVIENDA), Venezuela
Elizabeth Santos
Por el medio ambiente sano. Contaminación por ruido, factor de expulsion de los territorios
AIH Colombia
Juan Esteban Correa
Los desalojos: causas estructurales y violación de derechos humanos
Universidad de Buenos Aires Instituto de investigación, Argentina
Sebastian Tedeschi
The human rights impacts of forced evictions: From international human rights norms to practice
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing, Balakrishnan Rajagopal
Contexto habitacional en la Patagonia argentina en épocas de neoliberalismo cruel
Sindicato de Inquilinas/os Trabajadoras/es de Chubut, Argentina
Pamela Demes
Testimonios de luchas por la vivienda adecuada y saneamiento, pensada desde el derecho a la ciudad y en contra de los desalojos forzosos
Movimiento de Pobladores Organizados (MPO), Chile
Gustavo Adolfo Sepúlveda Vera
Attendance can be in-campus or online. Participants must register in advance on the registration form below.
At the Beato Pellegrino campus, the premises of the Human Rights Centre will be open to students and the general public.
The Zoom platform will provide interpretation services in English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, thanks to the Solidarity Interpreting - Volunteer interpreters/translators for Social Movements.
This is a third-mission (social engagement) project in collaboration with the International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAI).