Padova Model UPR

The Human Rights Center, in collaboration with the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies and the Master's degree program in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance at the University of Padova, has been organizing and promoting the Padova Model UPR, Model UN (MUN) at the University of Padova since 2018.
"Model UNs" are educational programs now widespread in many states and based on the simulation by properly trained students of political-diplomatic sessions and negotiations taking place at United Nations bodies. Similar projects also aim to replicate the activities of other International Organizations, such as the European Institutions or the organs of the International Labor Organization.
The Padova Model UPR consists of a simulation taking place in English, of the procedure of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and offers students the opportunity to participate in a non-formal educational activity, which will enable them to understand the dynamics of this procedure, thanks also to the presence of experts and officials of the United Nations.
Students, organized into groups, will have to thoroughly analyze the human rights situation in the country they represent and in the other states in the simulation. The groups will have to develop their position by interpreting the political context of their assigned state. Each group will thus give voice not only to the government, but also to civil society actors as well as national human rights institutions.