The Permanent Observatory of the National Anti-Trafficking Hotline on phenomena connected to human trafficking and severe exploitation: results and prospects, July 5, 2023

On Wednesday, July 5, 2023, the event of the Observatory Project - The Permanent Observatory of the National Anti-Trafficking Hotline on phenomena connected to human trafficking and severe exploitation: results and prospects will be held at the Aula Magna of the Palazzo Bo, University of Padova.
Event not open to the public, reserved for operators of the National Anti-Trafficking Projects
9:00 AM Participant registration
9:30 AM Opening of proceedings and greetings from the authorities
Introduced and moderated by Prof. Marco Mascia, President of the Human Rights Center “Antonio Papisca” University of Padova
Dr. Maria Carla Midena, Director of U.O. Dependencies, Third Sector, New Marginalities and Social Inclusion of the Veneto Region
10:00 AM Session 1: On the Anti-Trafficking system and victim protection
Moderated by Dr. Cinzia Bragagnolo
Gianfranco Della Valle, National Anti-Trafficking Hotline Representative
The operation of Anti-Trafficking Projects within the network work
Prof. Paola Degani, Human Rights Center “Antonio Papisca” University of Padova
The activities of the Observatory within the framework of the Anti-Trafficking System
Dr. Mariantonietta Cortese, Directorate General of Immigration and Integration Policies, Ministry of Labor and Social Policies - AT Anpal Servizi.
From exploitation to autonomy: the promotion of socio-labor inclusion
Vice-Prefect Dr. Maria Assunta Rosa, Office for Immigration and Asylum Policy Planning, Ministry of the Interior
The FAMI Projects concerning issues related to severe exploitation
Dr. Francesco Squeglia, in dialogue with the Department for Equal Opportunities, Presidency of the Council of Ministers
The Anti-Trafficking System: current scenarios and future prospects
Discussion with participants
1:00 PM Light lunch
2:30 PM Session 2: A look at the territories
Introduced by Dr. Stefano Pizzicannella, Director of the Office for Equal Opportunities Policies, Department for Equal Opportunities, Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Moderated by Gianfranco Della Valle
Dr. Miriam Pasqui, Municipality of Milan
Severe exploitation: phenomenon and operational practices in Northern Italy
Dr. Fabio Sorgoni, On the Road Cooperative
Severe exploitation: phenomenon and operational practices in Central Italy
Dr. Maria Rosa Impalà, Incipit Calabria
Severe exploitation: phenomenon and operational practices in Southern Italy
Dr. Serena Berton, National Anti-Trafficking Hotline
The National Anti-Trafficking Hotline
Paola Degani and Gianfranco Della Valle
The experience of the Permanent Observatory on phenomena connected to human trafficking and severe exploitation. Interventions by participants and concluding debate
4:30 PM Closing of proceedings