Archives: 2001-2010

Programmes, information and attachments in this section are available in Italian. By accessing the Italian page of Conferences, you are leaving the English version of the website
Human Rights in the Philippines. Children in jail and non-violent struggles for the fields
University of Padova, Teatro Ruzante, 15th October 2009
Territorial dialogue and multi-level governance. The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, EGTC, in perspective
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Archivio Antico, 17th March 2009
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights – promoting and realizing human rights, a permanent commitment.
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Magna, 10th December 2008
Twenty Years of Childhood. Rhetoric and Rights of children after the 1989 Convention
University of Padova, Palazzo Cesarotti, Aula Magna, 17th November 2008
Truths and Prospects of Civilian Peace Corps Realtà e prospettive dei Corpi civili di pace
University of Padova, Aula Nievo, Palazzo del Bo, 21st April 2008
Human Rights and Peace Challenges in the Caucasus
University of Padova, Teatro Ruzzante, 2nd April 2008
International Human Rights Day 2007
University of Padova, Aula Magna Galileo Galilei, Palazzo del Bo, 10th December 2007
The Rights of Children in Italy. A Presentation of the 3rd report on updates from the work group for the Convention on the rights of the child.
University of Padova, Human Rights Centre, 1st October 2007
Students Under Occupation. Photographic Exhibition on the Right to Education in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
University of Padova, “Iqbal Masih” Room, Human Rights Centre, 23rd-25th May 2007
The Back of God, The Religious Experience in Times of Fanaticism
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Room “Nievo” , 3rd May 2007
The 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples of the University of Padova.
Intercultural Dialogue for the Development of a New (Plural, Democratic) Citizenship
University of Padova, Aula Magna Galileo Galilei, 2nd-3rd March 2007
A Proposal for the National Ombudsman for Children. Towards the Institution of a System of Guarantee for Children and Adolescents in Italy
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Archivio Antico, 19th-20th October 2006
Violence and International Rules
University of Padova, Teatro Ruzante, 8th June 2006
The Human Rights Council and the future of the United Nations
University of Padova, Teatro Ruzante, 24th May 2006
Intercultural Dialogue and Human Rights: Inclusive City in an inclusive Europe
University of Padova, 24th – 25th March 2006
Dag Hammarskjold 1905-2005. General Secretary of the UN 1953-1961
University of Padova, Teatro Ruzante, 27th February 2006
Dialogue: A road to peace from the local community to the United Nations
University of Padova, Aula Magna, Palazzo Cesarotti, 12 December 2005
The Reality of Human Rights in MERCOSUR
University of Padova, Aula Magna of the Department of Sociology, 18th October 2005
2005, Critical year for the United Nations: Reform, Tsunami, Credibility Crises
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo- Archivio Antico, 19th May 2005
Problems of the World Order and the Reform of the United Nations
Padua, Sala Rossini of Caffè Pedrocchi, 21st March 2005
A United Nations Reform for governing the economy in a period of globalization
Municipality of Padua, Palazzo Moroni, Sala Paladin, 7th March 2005
Communicating the European Constitution
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo - Municipality of Padua, Palazzo Moroni, 4th March 2005
International Conversation Giving Homage to Truth. Human rights, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disarmament in the Agenda of the United Nations
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Archivio Antico, 20th October 2004
The New Europe
Padua, 2nd May – 4th June, 2004
The Future of the European Union
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bò, 23rd March 2004, Faculty of Political Science, 29 March 2004
Human Rights in the City
Padua, 28th October-18th November 2003
The Rights of the Child between protection and guarantees, towards the ratification of the Convention of Strasbourg
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Room E, 28th March 2003
The Contribution of the Italian University to the European Convention and to the six-monthly Italian Presidency of the UE
University of Padova, Palazzo del Bo-Aula Nievo, 31st January 2003
Human Rights Symposium, Citizenship, Good Government, In Occasion of the XX Anniversary of the Human Rights Centre
University of Padova, 30th November- 1st December 2002
The Ombudsman in the System of the National Institutions for Human Rights
University of Padova, 19th-20th June 2002
Security and World Order: The Human Dimension
University of Padova, Aula Nievo-Palazzo del Bo, 17th June 2002
Human rights defenders: Competence and Dedication. The contribution of the University of Padua
Padua, 10th December 2001
European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization Awarding
of Diplomas 2000-2001 and Inauguration of the Academic Year 2001-2002
Venice, Palazzo Ducale, Sala dello Scrutinio, 17th September 2001