human rights
An overview on the future of the Ombudsman for Children. Balances and prospectives of the experience of the Ombudsman for Children of the Region of Veneto, Padua, 21 June 2010
Event date: 21 June 2010
Venue: Padua, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Magna

The meeting, promoted by the Office of the Ombudsman of Children of the Region of Veneto and by the Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Right of Peoples of the University of Padua, has set itself as a moment of reflection on the institution which guarantees the right of children and teenagers, in the light of the experience of the Ombudsman for Children of the Region of Veneto and, particularly, in relation with its distinguishing activities of mediation, institutional listening and promotion of guidelines for good practices.
The programme, information and attachments about this event are available in Italian.
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