National Conference ‘’ Transforming the future. For peace with Care’’, University of Padova , October 20-21, 2023

100 years since the birth of Don Lorenzo Milani
75th anniversary of the Italian Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
60th anniversary of "Pacem in Terris"
To promote the goals of the “Transforming Education Summit”
In preparation for the United Nations “Summit of the Future”
National Conference
Transforming the Future. For Peace with Care
October 20-21-22, 2023
University of Padova
Training, updating, and research course for administrators and teachers
of all schools of every level, valid for in-service training
Friday, October 20, 2023
Aula Magna, Department of Political, Legal and International Studies, University of Padova, via del Santo 26
2:00 PM Participant welcome
2:30 PM – Introductory chorus
Monica Fedeli, Vice Rector for the Third Mission, University of Padova
Francesca Benciolini, Councilor for Peace, Human Rights, and International Cooperation, Municipality of Padova
Marco Mascia, UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Democracy and Peace, President of the University Center for Human Rights “Antonio Papisca,” University of Padova
Aluisi Tosolini and Fabiana Cruciani, Coordinators of the National Network of Schools for Peace
Flavio Lotti, Director of the National Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Transforming the Future (Plenary Session)
Jean Fabre, Former Deputy Director of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), UN expert, Geneva
Telmo Pievani, Philosopher of Biological Sciences, University of Padova
4:00 PM – 6:30 PM Transforming the Future (Working Group Session)
Let’s meet in groups in the "worksite of worksites." Let’s reflect together. Let’s share the concerns we bring from school. Let’s design civic education for the future together.
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Aula Magna, Beato Pellegrino Complex, University of Padova, via Beato Pellegrino 28
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM My School for Peace (Plenary Session)
Marco Mascia, UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Democracy and Peace, President of the University Center for Human Rights “Antonio Papisca,” University of Padova
Alessio Surian, Professor of Intercultural Education, Director of the Interdepartmental Research Center for Intercultural and Migration Studies (CIRSIM), University of Padova
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM My School for Peace (Working Group Session)
Let’s meet in groups. Let’s reflect together. Let’s share the review of the experiences we carried out at school. Let’s design civic education for peace together.
12:30 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting of School Principals and lunch break
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM My School for Care (Plenary Session)
Flavio Lotti, Director of the National Network of Schools for Peace
Giorgia Serughetti, Professor of Political Philosophy, University of Milan-Bicocca
Alessandra Minello, Professor of Demography, University of Padova
4:00 PM – 6:30 PM My School for Care (Working Group Session)
Let’s meet in groups. Let’s share the review of the experiences we carried out at school. Let’s reflect together. Let’s design civic education for care together.
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Aula Magna, Beato Pellegrino Complex, University of Padova, via Beato Pellegrino, 28
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Transforming Education (Closing Plenary Session)
The “Pact of Assisi”: all that we need to do. Transforming schools for the new generations. Citizenship 2030. Thinking big, acting together. The vision, ideas, paths, and projects of a transformative community.
Aluisi Tosolini, Coordinator of the National Network of Schools for Peace, former school principal
Italo Fiorin, Professor of Pedagogy, President of the EIS-LUMSA School of Advanced Education in Rome
Elisabetta Mughini, Research Director, National Institute for Documentation Innovation Educational Research (INDIRE)
Laura Nota, Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Director of the Research and Intervention Laboratory for Choice Orientation at the University of Padova
Father Simone Tenuti, Sacred Convent of Saint Francis of Assisi
Leopoldo Grosso, Psychologist and psychotherapist, Honorary President of the Abele Group
Giampiero Griffo, Co-Director of the Centre for Governmentality and Disability Studies "Robert Castel," Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Naples
With a performance by Erica Boschiero, singer-songwriter
Presentation and debate on the conclusions of the National Conference.
Interventions by participating Principals and Teachers
The Conference is promoted by
University Center for Human Rights “Antonio Papisca” and UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” at the University of Padova, National Network of Schools for Peace, National Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights, in collaboration with: Network of Italian Universities for Peace; State Technical Technological Institute "Alessandro Volta" (Perugia); State Classical High School "Giorgione" (Castelfranco Veneto); State Industrial Technical Institute Technological Sector "Francesco Severi" (Padova); Technical-Professional Institute "Leonardo da Vinci" (Padova); Higher Institute of Education “Giovanni Valle” (Padova); Municipality of Padova; Fontana Foundation; Perugia-Assisi March Promoting Committee; Peace Table; EIS - School of Advanced Education “Educate for Encounter and Solidarity” of LUMSA (Rome).
National Network of Schools for Peace
via della Viola 1 (06122) Perugia M 335.1431868 - T 075/5722479
Human Rights Center “Antonio Papisca”
via Beato Pellegrino 28 (35137) Padova - T 049/827 1813