Workshop: P.H.D. Peace Human Rights Development in the new global world, University of Padova, 21-23 June 2023

The PhD students of the Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca’’ of the University of Padua are pleased to announce the first P.H.D. - Peace Human Rights Development workshop. The event aims at gathering together young researchers and scholars, and Ph.D. students/candidates offering a thought-provoking platform of discussion.
The event will address issues of contemporary society from multi-disciplinary perspectives, giving the floor to participants from different backgrounds.
Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their research in front of an audience of peers stimulating a debate and sharing knowledge. The final aim is to enrich the global discourse of the different topics discussed.
Scientific Committee
Alberto Lanzavecchia, Elisabetta Camussi, Paola Degani, Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, Maria Cristina Ginevra, Ivan Kopric, Costanza Margiotta, Marco Mascia, Laura Nota, Arrigo Opocher, Elena Pariotti, Mario Pomini, Linda Laura Sabbadini, Gabriella Salviulo, Sara Santilli, Stefano Solari, Ines Testoni
Organisational Committee
Franca Viganò, Katarina Velkov, Lamia Yasin, Carlos Arturo Gutierrez Rodriguez, Carlotta Rossato, Ludovica Aricò, Isabella Valbusa, Sati Elifcan Özbek
Publishing opportunity
If interested, the participants can send their papers in order to be evaluated for possible publication on “What's new in Human Rights Doctoral Research - A Collection of critical literature reviews”
For any further information please contact with the subject “PHD WORKSHOP”.