Programme of the Workshop

June 21st: Tackling Sustainability and Climate Change - Innovative policy perspectives and critical approaches
Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca" - Via Beato Pellegrino 28
From Indigenous Peoples-driven litigation to future generations’ standing in Western Europe: a path towards a more ecocentric view of the climate crisis
Future Generations and Climate Change: A Critical Examination of their Legal Status in International Law
Martina Sardo, University of Palermo
Addressing environmentally-induced migration through soft law instruments. Towards new obligations to cooperate?
The relationship between business and the human right to a healthy environment: a view on the role of the technology sector.
Larissa Jane Houston, University of Graz
Human Rights and Sustainable Development: A case study of the right to energy access
Michal Plsek, University of Milan-Bicocca
Sustainable Development Goals and International Investment: Where does climate action stand?
Round table with Professor Alberto Lanzavecchia, Chairperson of the day
June 22nd: Marginalisation and Vulnerability - Perspectives on structural obstacles to the enjoyment of human rights
Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca" - Via Beato Pellegrino 28ì
Cultural and Religious Manifestations and Discrimination in Health Care
Yasser Salimi Namin, University of Warsaw
Muslims in Europe: victims of social marginalisation or self-segregation?
"Rights and Risks in the Digital Dimension: What Is and Should Be Done to Protect Women?
Gregorio Enrique Puello-Socarrás, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
"Decent work rights, Informality and risk management in digital work scenarios: thoughts on labour welfare in the digital gig economy
Policies preventing secondary victimisation of sexual crime survivors by the media in Poland and Italy – how authorities protect vulnerable victims?
Round table with Professor Koen De Feyter, Chairperson of the day
June 23rd: Tackling a Vanishing Peace – Multidisciplinary responses to conflicts by peaceful means
Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca" - Via Beato Pellegrino 28
The role of transitional justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina between justice and legal certainty (stability)
Lucia Botti, University of Macerata
The Women’s Court in Sarajevo: an alternative model of transitional justice through a feminist lens
Laura Piel Martin, University of Wroclaw
The pain of one, the voice of many: surviving sexual violence across the Global North-South divide
Religious freedom and neoconservatism: the case of the American Enterprise Institute
Davide D'amico, Univerity Pompeu Fabra Barcelona
The social construction of international relations under anarchy: the formation of collective identities with dependable expectations of peaceful change
Suliddin Baghirov, University of Wroclaw
Reshaping public opinion: Russia’s information front during the Second Karabakh War between Armenia and Azerbaijan