
Programme of the Workshop

June 21st: Tackling Sustainability and Climate Change - Innovative policy perspectives and critical approaches

Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca" - Via Beato Pellegrino 28

Keynote speech by Theresa Mockel and Q&A session
10:30-12:30 (Coffee Break included)
Giorgia Pane, University of Palermo
From Indigenous Peoples-driven litigation to future generations’ standing in Western Europe: a path towards a more ecocentric view of the climate crisis
Antidius Kaitu, University of Antwerp
Future Generations and Climate Change: A Critical Examination of their Legal Status in International Law

Martina Sardo, University of Palermo
Addressing environmentally-induced migration through soft law instruments. Towards new obligations to cooperate?
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
Gianluca Pardi, University of Teramo
The relationship between business and the human right to a healthy environment: a view on the role of the technology sector.

Larissa Jane Houston, University of Graz
Human Rights and Sustainable Development: A case study of the right to energy access

Michal Plsek, University of Milan-Bicocca
Sustainable Development Goals and International Investment: Where does climate action stand?

Round table with Professor Alberto Lanzavecchia, Chairperson of the day

June 22nd: Marginalisation and Vulnerability - Perspectives on structural obstacles to the enjoyment of human rights

Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca" - Via Beato Pellegrino 28ì

Keynote speech by Professor Koen De Feyter and Q&A session
10:30-12:30 (Coffee Break included)
Naoual El Yattouti, University of Antwerp  
Cultural and Religious Manifestations and Discrimination in Health Care

Yasser Salimi Namin, University of Warsaw
Muslims in Europe: victims of social marginalisation or self-segregation?
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
Gergana Tzvetkova, University of  Ca’ Foscari Venice
"Rights and Risks in the Digital Dimension: What Is and Should Be Done to Protect Women?

Gregorio Enrique Puello-Socarrás, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
"Decent work rights, Informality and risk management in digital work scenarios: thoughts on labour welfare in the digital gig economy
Natalia Pietruszka, University of Wrocław  
Policies preventing secondary victimisation of sexual crime survivors by the media in Poland and Italy – how authorities protect vulnerable victims?

Round table with Professor Koen De Feyter, Chairperson of the day

June 23rd: Tackling a Vanishing Peace – Multidisciplinary responses to conflicts by peaceful means

Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca" - Via Beato Pellegrino 28

Keynote speech by Professor Gudrun Østby and Q&A session
10:30-12:30 (Coffee Break Included)
Benjamin Nurkić, University of Tuzla
The role of transitional justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina between justice and legal certainty (stability)

Lucia Botti, University of Macerata
The Women’s Court in Sarajevo: an alternative model of transitional justice through a feminist lens

Laura Piel Martin, University of Wroclaw
The pain of one, the voice of many: surviving sexual violence across the Global North-South divide
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
Giovanni Battista Bronzini, Università per Stranieri di Perugia
Religious freedom and neoconservatism: the case of the American Enterprise Institute

Davide D'amico, Univerity Pompeu Fabra Barcelona
The social construction of international relations under anarchy: the formation of collective identities with dependable expectations of peaceful change

Suliddin Baghirov, University of Wroclaw
Reshaping public opinion: Russia’s information front during the Second Karabakh War between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Round table with Professor Sara Pennicino, Chairperson of the day



Human Rights Centre International Joint PhD Programme