Completed Research Projects

Information and attachments about the scientific production are available in Italian.
- ADPOLIS – Antidiscrimination policies successfully implemented 2016-2018
- Trafficked and Exploited Minors between Vulnerability and Illegality. Forced criminal activities as a new form of exploitation in human trafficking: knowledge and human rights based practices (TEMVI)
- The Italian Foreign Policy in front of the new challenges of the international system: actors, institutions and policies (PRIN-PEI)
- The Norm “Peace Human Rights” in the Fundamental Laws of Italian Provinces and Municipalities and in the Fundamental and Secondary Laws of Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces
- The Ombudsman in the Regions, the Provinces and the Municipalities as a non-judicial instrument for the protection of human rights
- Educational Modules on Human Rights in University Courses
- Toward an integrated view of human rights and human development: theoretical foundations, measurement issues and policy implications
- STOP FOR-BEG AgainST emerging fOrms of trafficking in Italy: exPloited immigrants in the international phenomenon of FORced BEGgging
- Strengthening and Democratizing the United Nations
- Human Rights and Trafficking in Women and Young People. An Educational Toolkit for Teachers and Students
- The Role of intercultural dialogue for the development of a new (plural, democratic) citizenship (2005-2007)
- International Criminal Justice into the Human Rights Paradigm (1999-2003)
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