© Università degli Studi di Padova - Credits: HCE Web agency
Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG) is the open-access journal of the University of Padova Human Rights Centre. This series prosecutes the ten-year experience developed by the Padova Centre through the review Pace Diritti Umani – Peace Human Rights (Marsilio Publishers, Venice, 2004-2013). The first issue of PHRG was launched in March 2017.
PHRG is six-monhtly academic peer-reviewed journal published in English by Padova University Press (before 2017 and 2022 it was a four-montly). It aims to constitute an innovative scientific resource within the increasing and multi-faceted global human rights studies community, which aims to present original contributions, both theoretical and empirical, to current human rights issues while actively favouring the development of a solid multi- and inter-disciplinary, and multi-level approach to human rights research and dissemination.
PHRG welcomes unpublished research articles that address significant and original aspects of the relation of human rights and subsidiarity with several issues including, but not limited to: world order and governance issues, international law, politics and organisation, international and cosmopolitan democracy, national and European foreign policy, civil society transnational networking, city diplomacy, global citizenship, public policy, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, women’s human rights, the human right to peace, conflict transformation/conflict resolution, education processes and trafficking of human beings.
Members of the journal's international editorial board include: Khurshid Ahmad (School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College, Dublin), Alicia Cabezudo (Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación Universidad Nacional de Rosario), Ivan Koprić (Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb), Livia Holden (Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford), Peter Johansson (School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University), Francesca Longo (Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania), Antonio Marchesi (Faculty of Law, University of Teramo), Tuomas Martikainen (Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki), Gerd Oberleitner (UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security, University of Graz), Arrigo Opocher (Department of Economics and Management, University of Padova), Katherina Pabel (Faculty of Law, University of Linz), Elena Pariotti (Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padova), Vesna Petrović (Belgrade Centre for Human Rights), Paolo Piva (Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padova), Carlotta Sorba (Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World, University of Padova), David Fernandez Puyana (Permanent Observer of the University for Peace, San José de Costarica), Magdalena Ratajczak (Institute of International Studies, University of Wroclav), Ann Skelton (UNESCO Chair in Education Law in Africa, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria), Josep Maria Llop Torné (UNESCO Chair in Intermediate Cities, University of Lleida), George Ulrich (E.MA Programme Director, European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation, Venice), Wouter Vandenhole (UNICEF Chair in Children's Rights, University of Antwerp), Songcai Yang (Institute of Human Rights, Guanghzou University).
The journal was founded by Antonio Papisca (ᵻ 2017).
The issues are directly accessibile at the PHRG’s website: https://phrg.padovauniversitypress.it/.
University of Padova
Human Rights Centre
"Antonio Papisca"
Complesso Universitario
Via Beato Pellegrino, 28
35137 Padova
Tel 049 827 1813 / 1817
Certified e-mail (PEC)
University of Padova
Human Rights Centre
"Antonio Papisca"
Complesso Universitario
Via Beato Pellegrino, 28
35137 Padova
Tel 049 827 1813 / 1817
Certified e-mail (PEC)
© Università degli Studi di Padova - Credits: HCE Web agency