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The Labour Market Situation of People with Disabilities in EU25

This Policy Brief presents some findings of the research project “Study of the Compilation of the Disability Data from the Administrative Registers of the EU Member States”

Isilda Shima, Eszter Zólyomi, Asghar Zaidi  (2008)


: European Union

Document Type

: Report


: European Centre for social Welfare policy and research


: 18


: EN

Abstract / Table of Contents


This study provides both a qualitative and a quantitative overview of the situation of people with disabilities on the labour market. The major labour market integration policies implemented in each EU Member State are presented together with the latest available figures on employment (either in an ordinary or sheltered environment), unemployment and inactivity using statistical data coming from the administrative registers.

The key challenges that countries of the European Union are facing with respect to people with disabilities are low employment rates among the people concerned but also a high dependency on benefits, high and increasing public spending on sickness and/or disability benefits as well as an increased poverty risk among those with disabilities.

The revised Lisbon Strategy with respect to the new employment guidelines
emphasizes the achievement of a general employment rate of 70% by 2010 and the new EU directives also refer explicitly to a greater employment
amongst people with disabilities.


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Last Update

29 Apr 2010