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Logo  Formazione alla cittadinanza democratica e ai diritti umani del Consiglio d'Europa

The European Social Charter

The European Committee of Social Rights monitors the Council of Europe member states' compliance with the European Social Charter. Complete information on the Committee's calendar and activities, on national reports and on collective appeals is available on the website.
Last update 11/09/2020
Logo Istituto inter-americano per i diritti umani

Inter-American Institute for Human Rights

Independent international academic institution created in 1980 thanks to an agreement between the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Republic of Costa Rica, where it is based. It is one of the world's largest centers for training and academic research on human rights, with particular atten
Last update 11/09/2020
Logo Commissione Europea contro il Razzismo e l’Intolleranza - ECRI

ECRI - European Commission against Racism and Intolerance

Combats racial discrimination, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance in the member countries of the Council of Europe, monitors and supports the implementation of international standards in this area in legislation and policies. Online reports on visits and Commission activities.
Last update 11/09/2020
Logo Commissione Europea contro il Razzismo e l’Intolleranza - ECRI

European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)

Combats racial discrimination, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance in the member countries of the Council of Europe, monitors and supports the implementation of international standards in this area in legislation and policies. Online reports on visits and Commission activities.
Last update 11/09/2020
Logo Rapporto annuale sullo sviluppo umano dello UNDP

UNDP Annual Human Development Report

Since 1990 UNDP has published an annual human development report which provides the profile of each country in the world in the dimension of human development, presenting updated data and key statistical indicators, including the Human Development Index (HDI).
Last update 11/09/2020
Logo Osservatorio dell’Unione Europea sulla Democrazia - EUDO

The European Union Democracy Observatory

Created in 2006, the Observatory is an independent and interdisciplinary academic organization whose goal is to produce a periodic and perennial analysis of democratic practices within the EU. The data collected are published on the site.
Last update 11/09/2020
Logo Programma di informazione sul disarmo delle Nazioni Unite

United Nations Disarmament Information Program

The site offers online resources on peace education and disarmament, publications and multimedia material, including films.
Last update 11/09/2020
Log Ufficio delle Nazioni Unite per le questioni relative allo spazio extra-atmosferico - UNOOSA

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

The Office is responsible for promoting international cooperation in the peaceful use of space. It collects treaties, resolutions and other instruments of international space law. Reports, publications and information on conferences and events are also available online.
Last update 11/09/2020
Logo Conferenza di riesame del programma d’azione sul traffico illecito di armi leggere e di piccolo calibro delle Nazioni Unite

The United Nations Conference to review the implementation of the Programme of Action on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms...

The Conference ended without a final agreement however the Action Program to promote the adoption of measures limiting the illegal trade in small arms and light weapons is still operational. All information on the conference is still available on the website.
Last update 11/09/2020
Log Commissione preparatoria per l’Organizzazione sul Trattato per il bando totale dei test nucleari

CTBTO - Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization

Founded in 1996, it promotes the adoption of the treaty to ban nuclear explosions wherever they want to be done. The Commission also has the task of establishing the Treaty monitoring mechanism so that it can be operational as soon as it enters into force.
Last update 18/09/2020
Logo Database sui trattati multilaterali per il disarmo dell'UNODA

Multilateral treaty disarmament database for UNODA

The UNODA database contains the text and status of the ratifications of the main multilateral disarmament treaties. It offers two search criteria: by text of the treaties and by States parties.
Last update 18/09/2020
Log Istituto delle Nazioni Unite per la ricerca sul disarmo - UNIDIR

The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research

It is an autonomous institute within the United Nations system that conducts research on disarmament and security in order to support the international community in reflection, decisions and efforts for disarmament. Annual books and reports are available on the site.
Last update 11/09/2020
Logo Comitato 1540 del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite

Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540

Established by the Security Council to monitor the implementation of Resolution 1540 of 2004 which requires states to refrain from supporting non-state actors in the production, trade and use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. The site collects reports and a legislative database.
Last update 11/09/2020
Logo  Comitato consultivo permanente delle Nazioni Unite sulle questioni di sicurezza nell’Africa centrale

UNSAC - United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa

Established by the United Nations Secretary General in 1992, following the General Assembly Resolution, the Committee encouraged the limitation of arms, disarmament, non-proliferation and development of Central Africa. The Committee's reports are published on the website.
Last update 18/09/2020
Logo  Comitato consultivo permanente delle Nazioni Unite sulle questioni di sicurezza nell’Africa centrale

Preparatory Committee for the Arms Trade Treaty

Established in 2008 with United Nations General Assembly Resolution, the Committee prepared the Conference for the Arms Trade Treaty (2013) in order to develop a legally binding instrument. The site offers extensive documentation and section for NGOs.
Last update 11/09/2020