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Logo Forum delle istituzioni nazionali per i diritti umani - NHRIF

NHRIF - Forum of national human rights institutions

International forum for researchers and experts in the field of national human rights institutions. The site offers documentation, information, documents and training activities. It gathers links to national human rights institutions around the world and thematic insights
Last update 03/08/2020
Logo Organizzazione degli Stati americani - OSA

OSA - The Organization of American States

Made up of 35 member states, established in 1948 to promote an order of peace and justice. The site offers news, information on the institutional structure and the issues addressed by the organization, official documents and external links.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo Associazione delle Nazioni dell'Asia Sud-Orientale - ASEAN

ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) by the Founding Fathers of ASEAN. The site offers news, information on the institutional structure and the issues addressed by the Organization, official documents, and external links.
Last update 18/09/2020
The official flag of the League of Arab States

League of Arab States

Established in 1945, it is a pan-Arab organization made up of 22 members ranging from the Arabian Peninsula to the Maghreb. The site offers news, information, links and statements from leaders of Arab countries and members of the Organization.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo Social Watch Italia

Social Watch

The Social Observatory is an international network, made up of civil society bodies with the aim of monitoring international commitments on the eradication of poverty and gender equity.
Last update 29/07/2020
white background, plain map of Africa without boundaries in gold colour inside of two circles, bottom small interlocking red rings and palm leaves shooting up on either side.

African Union

The African Union is a supranational and intergovernmental organization that includes all African states except Morocco whose mission is to work for a united, prosperous and peaceful Africa. The site contains information, news and documentation on the organization's activities.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo Fondazione Anna Lindh per il dialogo tra le culture nell'area euromediterranea

The Anna Lindh Foundation

The Foundation was founded in 2005 to promote the meeting and dialogue between the different cultures around the Mediterranean in order to strengthen mutual knowledge and respect. The site provides information on events and initiatives related to the Foundation's activities.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo Comitato delle Regioni dell'Unione Europea

European Committee of the Regions

It is the political assembly that gives voice to regional and local authorities in the development phase of European politics and legislation. The site offers information, news, press releases and audiovisual materials on activities and events promoted by the Committee.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo Pagina informativa sull'Esame periodico universale - UPR-info

UPR-info - Information page on the Universal Periodic Review

It is a specialized site on the UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Examination Mechanism (EPU). The site provides extensive documentation which includes: information material for civil society participation.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo E.MA - Master europeo in diritti umani e democratizzazione

EMA Human Rights

Important and qualified post-university human rights training initiative directly promoted by the European Union. The Master lasts one year and is administered by the EIUC - European inter-university center for human rights and democratization based in Venice.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo Gruppo di lavoro delle ONG su donne, pace e sicurezza

NGO working group on women, peace and security

It is an international network that promotes equal and full participation by women in efforts to maintain international peace and security. Created in 2000, it works for the implementation of Resolution 1325 and other Security Council resolutions on the subject.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo Agenzia per i diritti fondamentali dell'Unione Europea - FRA

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

The Agency was established in 2007 for the purpose of providing assistance and expertise to European Union states in the field of fundamental rights. The site contains news and information relating to events, research projects and publications promoted by the Agency.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo EFA - Education For All Global Monitoring Report

EFA - Education For All Global Monitoring Report

Developed by an independent group and published by UNESCO, the Global Monitoring Reports on Education for All is an authoritative document that aims to inform, influence and support genuine commitment to Education for All.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo of Euromediterranean University representing an E letter and an M letter composing the upper side of a circle. The lower part, a blu half-cycle, represents the Mediterranean Sea.

Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI)

Based in Slovenia, it is one of the six priority areas of the Union for the Mediterranean and was born as an international network consisting of 179 universities. The project contributes significantly to the harmonization of university education and encourages wider cultural development.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo Procedure speciali presso il Consiglio diritti umani delle Nazioni Unite

Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council

Site page of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights providing information and links on the special procedures of the Human Rights Council (special rapporteurs, independent experts, independent groups)
Last update 29/07/2020