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Logo Convenzione sulla diversità biologica - CBD

CBD - Convention on Biological Diversity

The Convention entered into force in December 1993 and is inspired by the growing commitment of the international community to sustainable development. It represents a very important step towards the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of its components.
Last update 18/09/2020
International Crisis Group logo

International Crisis Group

It was born in 1995 as an independent organization. It carries out analyzes on the most dangerous conflict situations and an advisory function for states in order to prevent or resolve violent conflicts. The site contains news, status reports, thematic factsheets, multimedia material and podcasts.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo Associazione Diritti umani - Sviluppo umano

Human Rights Association - Human Development

Established in 1996, the association aims to enhance the theme of human rights in institutional policies and in civil society. It provides orientation and consultancy services, and offers internships for students of the University of Padua.
Last update 29/07/2020
Logo Direzione relazioni internazionali, comunicazione e Sistar della Regione del Veneto

Directorate of International Relations, Communication and Sistar of the Veneto Region

The site offers information on the activities and commitments of the Region on various topics such as: international relations, decentralized cooperation, human rights, linguistic minorities and equal opportunities.
Last update 28/07/2020
Logo dell'associazione formato da tre profili di persona sovrapposti

HREA - Human Rights Education Associates

It is a point of reference for a wide worldwide network of bodies, institutes and centers for the training of teachers and educators on human rights issues. The site offers, among other resources, databases, distance learning courses and publications.
Last update 28/07/2020
Logo Forum trentino per la pace e i diritti umani

Trentino Forum for Peace and Human Rights

Born in 1991, as a tool to keep vigilant attention on issues related to peace, human rights, solidarity and active citizenship to develop and rethink interventions and regulations.
Last update 28/07/2020
Logo Progetto Pace & diritti umani della Regione Emilia Romagna

Peace & Human Rights Project of the Emilia Romagna Region

The project is inspired by the Regional Law "Regional interventions for cooperation with developing and transition countries, international solidarity and the promotion of a culture of peace" and supports the activities described in it.
Last update 28/07/2020
Logo Istituto europeo del Mediterraneo

IEMed - European Institute of the Mediterranean

The European Mediterranean Institute is an actor in the dialogue between the countries of the European Union and those of the southern shore of the Mediterranean. The site offers news, information on seminars and training courses.
Last update 18/09/2020
Logo UNODA - Ufficio delle Nazioni Unite per il disarmo

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)

UNODA was created in January 1998 as the Department for Disarmament, part of the Secretary General's reform agenda presented in its report to the General Assembly. It took on its current name in 2007.
Last update 28/07/2020
Log Difensore civico regionale della Regione Valle D'Aosta

Regional ombudsman of the Aosta Valley Region

The Ombudsman is elected by the Regional Council, charged with protecting the subjective rights, legitimate interests and widespread interests as a guarantee of efficiency, correctness, impartiality and good performance of the Public Administrations.
Last update 28/07/2020
Logo Difensore civico regionale della Regione Piemonte

Regional ombudsman of the Piedmont Region

The institution of the ombudsman in Piedmont is foreseen by the regional law n. 50 of 1981. The site offers all the information on the activities of the Ombudsman, the annual report and numerous insights.
Last update 28/07/2020
Logo Difensore civico regionale della Regione Toscana

Regional ombudsman of the Tuscany Region

The Tuscany Region was the first Italian region, in 1971, to include the figure of the ombudsman in its Statute. In addition to the annual report, and the report of the service offered by the Ombudsman, other documents, studies, research and statistics are available on the site.
Last update 28/07/2020
Logo  Difensore regionale della Regione Lombardia

Regional ombudsman of the Lombardy Region

The Regional Defender is an independent public authority, provided for in the Lombardy Statute of Autonomy. He is in charge of protecting the rights and interests of citizens and other civil society subjects towards the Region and other public administrations.
Last update 28/07/2020
Logo Difensore civico regionale della Regione Liazio

Regional ombudsman of the Lazio Region

The Ombudsman is provided for by the Statute of 1971 and established with Regional Law n.17 of 1980 with the aim of protecting the citizen from abuse, delays, negligence committed by the public administration and ensuring good performance, correctness and impartiality.
Last update 28/07/2020
Logo Difensore civico regionale della Regione Emilia Romagna

Regional ombudsman of the Emilia-Romagna Region

In Emilia-Romagna the Ombudsman was first established in 1984. The site contains information on resolved cases, on the Ombudsman's interventions, links to the relevant regulatory documentation and to the sites of other Defenders in Italy and around the world.
Last update 28/07/2020