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Participants to the first meeting of the “European National Preventive Mechanisms (NPM) Project”, held in Padua on 27-28 January 2010.
© Centro Diritti Umani - Università di Padova

Prof. Marco Mascia is the new President of the University Association for European Studies (AUSE)

Professor Marco Mascia, Director of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, has been elected by acclamation President of the University Association for European Studies (AUSE), at the end of its General Assembly, that was held in Venice on 12 July 2012, on the occasion of the 16th edition of the Summer School dedicated to the theme "Crisis and relaunch of the EU. Perceptions and interdisciplinary approaches".

In this assignment Professor Mascia succeeds Prof. Daniela Preda of the University of Genoa, who was preceded, in the same role, by prof. Dario Velo of the University of Pavia, and by prof. Antonio Papisca of the University of Padua.

Marco Mascia, Professor of International Relations, Jean Monnet Chair "Political System of the European Union ", Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, President of the Master’s Degree Course in Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace, is the author of numerous publications on the topic of European integration. Among them: Il Comitato delle Regioni nel sistema dell’Unione Europea, Padua, Cedam, 1996; La società civile nell’Unione Europea. Nuovo orizzonte democratico, Venice, Marsilio, 2004; Il sistema dell'Unione Europea. Appunti su teorie, attori e processi, Padua, Cedam, 2005 (2°edition); Obiettivo sicurezza umana per la politica estera dell'Unione Europea, Padua, Cleup, 2010; La ‘sfida europea’ di Altiero Spinelli a 30 anni dalla Laurea honoris causa (1982-2012), Padua, Cleup, 2012.

Prof. Mascia is part of the group of the academics who founded the AUSE Association in 1989 in order to foster the development of research and teaching on European issues in the Italian university system. The Associations is joined by professors and researchers that are working in the disciplines of law, political science, history and economy. Among its honorary members, the Association includes internationally renowned professors, such as the economists Mario Monti and Carlo Secchi and the jurists Fausto Pocar and Antonio Tizzano.

Since its establishment, AUSE has been an active part of the "European Community Studies Association", ECSA-World, a global federation that currently brings together 59 national associations of European studies involved in European countries and in other continents, from Australia to China and Chile.

Two Association members, professors Papisca and Velo, are also members of the "European University Council" which has the task to collaborate with the European Commission for the implementation of the Jean Monnet Programme for the dissemination of teachings and researches on the European Union system in universities.

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