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Prawa Człowieka a Handel Kobietami i Młodymi Ludźmi w Europie. Przybornik edukacyjny

AA.VV. (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Human Rights and Trafficking in Women and Young People in Europe

AA.VV. (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Der Handel mit Frauen und jungen Menschen - europäische Dimensionen einer

AA.VV. (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Diritti umani e tratta di donne e giovani

AA.VV. (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Nel nome dei bambini

Antonio Papisca (1990)


Last update 8 Nov 2010

Linee guida dell’UE in materia di promozione e tutela dei diritti del bambino

Documentazione (2008)


Last update 30 Sep 2010

Linee guida dell’Unione Europea sui bambini e i conflitti armati

Documentazione (2007)


Last update 16 Sep 2010

Behind Bars: Violence. Abuses against Detained Children in Brazil

Blandina Stecca (2005)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 3 Sep 2010

I minori d’età di fronte alla Corte Interamericana dei Diritti dell’Uomo

Karla Quintana Osuna, Gabriella Citroni (2005)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 6 Oct 2010
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[Events and Updates]

Announcement. Course of International Protection of Human Rights: Simulation organized by the students

Within the course on International Protection of Human Rights held by Professor Antonio Papisca, a group of students have prepared a simulation of Italy’s participation to the Committee on the ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019