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Giornata internazionale dei Diritti Umani 2022: La cura dei diritti umani, oggi e domani, lunedì 5 dicembre 2022, ore 10.00, Aula Magna "Galileo Galilei", Palazzo Bo, Università di Padova
[Institutional Contents]

International Human Rights Day 2022: Caring for Human Rights, today and tomorrow

Monday 5th December 2022 Aula Magna "Galileo Galilei", Palazzo Bo, Università di Padova Celebrating the 40° anniversary of the Human Rights Centre  In preparation for the 75° ...

Last update 27 Feb 2023
[Events and Updates]

ICC judges authorize Prosecution to resume investigation in Afghanistan

The Pre-Trial Chamber II of the ICC has authorized the Prosecution to resume the investigation regarding the situation in Afghanistan. The judges found that Afghanistan is not conducting a genuine ...

Last update 23 Nov 2022
Group picture of the Padova Model UPR 5° edition
[Events and Updates]

The 5th edition of the Padova Model UPR has ended

The 5th edition of the Padova Model UPR, held from 22 to 25 November 2022, came to its conclusion. The event was organised by an international team of students and former delegates, with the support ...

Last update 1 Dec 2022
[Events and Updates]

University of Padova: Is killing animals inevitable? The 1st Psychodebate organized by the School of Psychology

The School of Psychology has announced the Psychodebates: a series of academic debates taking place throughout the academic year. The first psychodebate is titled "Is Killing Animals ...

Last update 14 Nov 2022
N.E.x.T TO YOU - Network for the Empowerment, the social and labor inclusion of Trafficked minors and young adults is a project funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2019 and coordinated by Veneto
[Events and Updates]

N.E.x.T TO YOU: 15 November, final conference

N.E.x.T TO YOU - Network for the Empowerment, the social and labor inclusion of Trafficked minors and young adults is a project funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Asylum, ...

Last update 14 Nov 2022
International Conference "The Consequences of War and their Interdependence. Bringing Human Security Back to the Global Political Agenda", University of Padova, 14-15 November 2022, depliant
[Institutional Contents]

Programme of the Conference

Monday 14 November 2022 Palazzo Bo, Archivio Antico 9.00 Registration 9:30 - 10:00 Welcome addresses Monica Fedeli, Vice-Rector for Third Mission and Relations with the local area, ...

Last update 18 Nov 2022
[Events and Updates]

University of Padova International Conference Keynote Speaker: UN Special Rapporteur on the promotions and protection of rights in the context of climate change

Mr. Ian Fry was appointed Special Rapporteur on the promotions and protection of rights in the context of climate change by the HUman Rights Council in March 2022. The Mandate of the SR consists in ...

Last update 10 Nov 2022
[Events and Updates]

University of Padova International Conference Keynote Speaker: OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

Ambassador Kairat Abdrakhmanov of Kazakhstan was appointed OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) in 2020. The role of the HCNM is focused primarily on addressing the short term ...

Last update 10 Nov 2022
Man with a woman in tears
[Events and Updates]

European ministers adopt “Dublin Declaration” on preventing violence through equality

On Sptemeber 30th, thirty-eight Council of Europe member states have committed to a “Dublin Declaration” outlining a series of steps to promote gender equality in order to help prevent ...

Last update 10 Nov 2022
logo UniPD
[Institutional Contents]

Keynote speakers and chairs

Keynote speakers Wolfgang Benedek   Wolfgang Benedek is professor emeritus at the University of Graz, where he taught international law with a focus on human rights, human security and ...

Last update 9 Nov 2022
Cover Annuario Italiano dei Diritti Umani
[Institutional Contents]

Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2020

The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2020, marking the 10th edition of this publication, offers an up-to-date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies to ...

Last update 7 Nov 2022
Dottorato Ciclo 32. Palazzo Bo
[Institutional Contents]

Cycle 36 (2020/2021)

Giorgia Alessandrini Closing the refugee gap: the socio-economic impact of women in the European labour market This research project examines the existence and consequences of a gender gap ...

Last update 4 Nov 2022
[Events and Updates]

Spyware and surveillance: Threats to privacy and human rights growing, UN report warns

During the fifty-first session, the Human Rights Council enacted the Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and report of the Office of the High Commissioner and the ...

Last update 5 Nov 2022
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: 12 new elected countries to serve new terms on Human Rights Council

12 new countries were chosen to serve a three year period in the Human Rights Council. After the voting ended, the UN Assembly President announced the chosen countries that will begin their work on ...

Last update 5 Nov 2022
Cover of the  Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2021
[Institutional Contents]

Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2021

The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2021 offers an up-to-date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies to international human rights ...

Last update 3 Nov 2022