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EU Fundamental Rights Agency Human Rights Cities
[Events and Updates]

How to become a Human Rights City: a new Framework of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

At the Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 held on 11 and October, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and representatives of several European cities presented a new Framework for Human ...

Last update 30 Oct 2021
[Events and Updates]

COP26: history and goals of the 2021 United Nations climate change conference

For nearly three decades, the UN has been bringing together almost every country on earth for global climate summits – known as COPs – which stands for ‘Conference of the ...

Last update 30 Oct 2021
Numero Verde Antitratta
[Institutional Contents]

Numero Verde Antitratta

Il Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani "Antonio Papisca" nell'ambito della Convenzione ai sensi dell'Art.5, CO.6, del D.GLS.18 aprile 2016, n.50 e ai sensi dell'art.15 della legge 7 agosto 1990, ...

Last update 29 Oct 2021
[Events and Updates]

Social Charter 60th anniversary: the Social Constitution of Europe

Last 18th October, the European Social Charter celebrated its 60th year of activity as the cornerstone of European economic and social fundamental rights. The anniversary has been observed with a ...

Last update 30 Oct 2021
Alexei Navalny's portrait during a manifestation and russian flag on the background
[Events and Updates]

Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought has been assigned to Alexei Navalny

This year’s Sakharov Prize, the European award on Freedom of Thought, which represents the highest tribute paid by the European Union to human rights work, has been assigned to Alexei Navalny. ...

Last update 26 Oct 2021
Logo of the World Cities Day 2021
[Events and Updates]

31 October: World Cities Day

31 October marks World Cities Day, established by the United Nations General Assembly on 27 December 2013, by resolution A/RES/68/239, with the aim of raising awareness among the international ...

Last update 26 Oct 2021
Flyer: International Conference on Climate Justice, 27/10/2021
[Events and Updates]

Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet of the University of Padova: International Conference on Climate Justice, 27 October 2021 from 4:30 to 7:30 PM. Registration open!

On Wednesday 27th October 2021 from 4:30 to 7:30 PM, the Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet of the University of Padua, coordinated by professor Massimo De Marchi, will host an online International ...

Last update 26 Oct 2021
Anna Piratti, Primavera Italiana, painting acrylic on canvas, cm 170x150, 2017,
[Institutional Contents]


To attend the conference, registration is required via the online form Monday, November 8, 2021 Venue Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo Link to join online: ...

Last update 7 Nov 2021
Anna Piratti, Primavera Italiana, painting acrylic on canvas, cm 170x150, 2017,
[Institutional Contents]

Towards an inclusive governance of “EU fundamental values”

University of Padova, 8-9 November 2021   Recording Plenary Session: Setting the frame: Towards an inclusive governance of “EU fundamental values” ...

Last update 17 Nov 2021
Flyer for the 76th anniversary of UN day
[Events and Updates]

24 October: United Nations Day

The United Nations Day will be celebrated on the 24th of October, an important occasion to honour its foundation in 1945. On this day, the international community will remember and reaffirm the core ...

Last update 26 Oct 2021
Cortile Antico, Palazzo Bo, Università di Padova
[Institutional Contents]

Useful information

Conference's venues The opening and closing plenary sessions take place in the Archivio Antico, located in the historic headquarters of the University of Padova at the Palazzo del Bo, via 8 ...

Last update 2 Nov 2021
The image shows three old women in the waiting room of a hospital
[Events and Updates]

UN expert: Eliminate ageism and age discrimination

Ms Claudia Mahler, UN Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, presented her latest report to the 48th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, ...

Last update 13 Oct 2021
The image shows a man planting trees in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to help fight climate change.
[Events and Updates]

UN Human Rights Council recognised the human right to a healthy environment

On the 8th of October 2021, the Human Rights Council at the 48th regular session adopted resolution 48/13, which recognised for the first time that having a clean, healthy and sustainable ...

Last update 13 Oct 2021
studio v-zwoelf ©, 2021
[Events and Updates]

EU borders: concerns about Fundamental rights

Allegations for the treatment of migrants at EU borders and difficult conditions in detention and reception centres remain a persistent concern, as highlighted in the latest migration bulletin from ...

Last update 13 Oct 2021
The image represents two hands holding a little globe, indicating the importance of protecting our world and the environment.
[Events and Updates]

Human rights and environment: the impact of the European Convention on Human Rights

The Autumn Session 2021 (27-30 September 2021) of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly dedicated particular attention to the right to a healthy environment. Given the importance of the ...

Last update 4 Oct 2021