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PHRG - Peace Human Rights Governance: the June 2024 issue is out

The University of Padua's 'Antonio Papisca' Centre for Human Rights has published the first issue of the eighth volume of the scientific journal Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG), a thematic issue on the multidimensional concept of ontological and situational "vulnerability".

Issue 8(1) includes the following research articles:

Baldassare Pastore, Vulnerability, Human Rights, Adjudication

Indira Boutier, Understanding Vulnerability through the Eyes of the European Court of Human Rights’ Jurisprudence: Challenges and Responses

Anna Adamska-Gallant, Vulnerable Witnesses in Practice of International Courts – Definition and Trauma as the Key Risk Factor

Van Phuc Nguyen, Legal Silence and the Concept of Law Regarding Gay People in Vietnam

Elizabeth Salley, Reaching Actualisation After Resettlement: A Qualitative Analysis of Afghan Refugees in the U.S.

and the Policy Paper:

Roberto De Vogli, Marta Lusiardi, The Ecological Crisis and Human Rights: Why We Are All Vulnerable

PHRG is six-monthly and completely open access. It constitutes a new resource within the increasingly broad and multi-faceted scientific community engaged in the study of human rights, which aims to present original theoretical and empirical contributions on current human rights issues while fostering the development of a robust multi-disciplinary and multi-level approach to research and scholarly dissemination on these topics.


Below is the link to access the issue: https://phrg.padovauniversitypress.it/issue/8/1   

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