Complete list of events and updates



United Nations: Peace in South Sudan depends on local accountability

“Our priority in 2023 is to adopt a peace to people approach, with the support of the government” declared Stephen...

Last update 14/3/2023

ILGA-Europe’s Annual Review 2023 of the Human Rights Situation of LGBTI People in Europe and Central Asia

According to the ILGA-Europe’s Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation of LGBTI People in Europe and Central Asia,2022 was...

Last update 13/3/2023
March PerugiaAssisi, 21 May 2023 'Let's transform the future'

Towards the PerugiaAssisi March "Transforming the Future", 21 May 2023: invitation to participate to the students of the University of...

Italian version On May 21, 2023 will be held the Peace and Fraternity March PerugiAssisi "Transform the future", dedicated to young...

Last update 12/3/2023

Global Campus of Human Rights: Extended deadline 18 march for the Training on Electoral Technical Assistance

The deadline to apply to the course on Electoral Technical Assistance has been extended to 18 March 2023. The number...

Last update 10/3/2023
8 March 2023: International Women's Day - UN women graphic

8 March 2023: International Women's Day

International Women's Day has been celebrated in many countries around the world on 8 March since 1977. On this day,...

Last update 7/3/2023

Women represented in all parliaments of the world. It’s the first time

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) declared on Friday, 3 March 2023 that, for the first time, women are present in all...

Last update 7/3/2023

United Nations: Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Rights urges Denmark and Greenland to examine colonial legacy’s impact

According to José Francisco Cali Tzay, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, addressing the colonial legacy’s impact...

Last update 3/3/2023

Save the Children report: 'A heavy toll: the impact of one year of war on children in Ukraine'

The report published by Save The Children on 20 February, entitled 'A Heavy Toll: The Impact of a Year of...

Last update 1/3/2023

United Nations: Report on the right to development

The present report contains an analysis of the efforts undertaken for and the challenges to the realization of the right...

Last update 24/2/2023

WHO reveals one-third of prisoners in Europe suffer mental health disorders

According to the new report, launched by the World Health Organization (WHO), one in three prisoners in Europe suffer from...

Last update 22/2/2023

Universities as Sites of Activism and Protection & UNESCO Chair Launch, 13-14 March 2023

Universities have much to contribute to activism and protection. They have legitimacy, status, access to knowledge and resources, and local...

Last update 19/2/2023
Global Campus of Human Rights Conversations, March 8th 2023

Global Campus of Human Rights Conversations, March 8th 2023

Wednesday, 8 March 2023 at 11 am (CET) will take place the 6th online Global Campus of Human Rights Conversation, via...

Last update 18/2/2023
Global Assessment on Protest Rights 2022

Global Assessment on Protest Rights 2022

The Global Assessment on Protest Rights 2022, compiled by CIVICUS Monitor, an online research platform that tracks fundamental freedoms in...

Last update 15/2/2023

Human Rights Watch 2023 Report: A New Model for Global Leadership on Human Rights

The litany of human rights crises in 2022 from Russian President Vladimir Putin's intentional attacks on civilians in Ukraine to...

Last update 14/2/2023
Peru Banana producers 2021_870Banana producer packs bananas

Fairtrade: new map to identify the major human rights and environmental risks

Fairtrade's new risk map identifies and visualizes major human rights and environmental risks in the sectors where Fairtrade operates, based...

Last update 14/2/2023