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Contents tagged with key-word:   Council of Europe


The role of national human rights structures in case of non-execution of domestic judgments

Stefano Valenti (2010)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024

The protection of the rights of Roma people by national human rights structures

Stefano Valenti (2010)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024

The role of National Human Rights Structures as regards anti-terrorists measures

Stefano Valenti (2010)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024

The role of national human rights structures in promoting and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities

Stefano Valenti (2010)

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Last update 18 Mar 2024
Four workers laying down 4 of the 12 stars of a large representation of the flag of the Council of Europe during a celebration.
[Institutional Contents]

1st Thematic NPM Workshop on “The role of NPMs in preventing ill-treatment in psychiatric institutions”

This event is the first thematic workshop which will be organised within the framework of the so-called “European NPM Project”, financed jointly by the Council of Europe and the European Union, ...

Last update 28 Apr 2010
Panoramic photo of the building headquarters of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.
[Events and Updates]

18 March 2010: hearing at European Parliament for the accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights

On 18 of March, the headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels hosted the hearing “The institutional aspects of the European Union accession to the European Convention for the Protection ...

Last update 30 Apr 2010

The protection of separated or unaccompanied minors by national human rights structures

Stefano Valenti (2010)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024
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[Institutional Contents]

Project description

I. Genesis of the Project The idea of the European NPM Project dates back to the early months of 2008. On 18th January 2008, the French Médiateur de la République and the Council ...

Last update 31 Jan 2017
Institutional logo of the Council of Europe, founded 5 May 1949 by 10 founding States. Today the Council of Europe, with its offices in Strasbourg, France, assembles together 47 Member States of the Continental Europe.

European Commission for Democracy through Law of the Council of Europe

The Region of Veneto has regulated its participation in the activities of the Venice Commission through Regional Law No. 55/1999, Article 19 “European Commission for Democracy through Law ...

Last update 26 Nov 2015
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[Institutional Contents]

The protection and promotion by national human rights structures of the rights of the elderly

Workshop programme   Monday, 14th September 2009 Arrival of participants at the European Youth Centre (Zivatar u. 1-3, 1024 Budapest)   20.30 ...

Last update 14 Sep 2010
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[Institutional Contents]

The role of the ombudsman in the defence of social rights in times of economic crisis

Event programme   Wednesday, 2 September 2009  Arrival of participants in Pushkin / St. Petersburg, dinner at (tbc) Thursday, 3 September 2009 ...

Last update 14 Sep 2010
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[Institutional Contents]

The protection of the rights of Roma people by national human rights structures

Workshop programme   Monday, 23 February 2009  Arrival of participants at the European Youth Centre (Zivatar u. 1-3, 1024 Budapest)   20.30 ...

Last update 14 Sep 2010
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[Institutional Contents]

The protection and promotion by national human rights structures of the right to good administration & Judging the performance of national human rights structures and deciding on the means made available to them: How preserve the respect of their independence?

Round table programme   Tuesday, 1 July 2008  Arrival of the participants at the Conference Center in Pushkin and dinner starting 19.00   Wednesday, 2 July 2008 ...

Last update 14 Sep 2010