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Contents tagged with key-word:   Education


Some Reflexions on Key Subjects of Human Rights Education and Training Integrated Approach

Antonio Papisca (2010)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 6 Nov 2012

L’educazione ai diritti umani al cuore del diritto fondamentale della persona all’educazione

NdR (2010)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 6 Nov 2012
Copertina del Tascabile 6
[Institutional Contents]

Booklets, Educational CD-roms and Toolkit

The Human Rights Centre Booklets Among the peace and human rights education activities the Human Rights Centre has been publishing a new series of pocket size easy to be read books.  ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
[Institutional Contents]

Series “Studies and researches on Human rights”

This series was begun in 1988 to mark the 40th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human rights Part of the volumes are freely downloadable in pdf file, For advanced queries (authors, ...

Last update 24 Apr 2020
Marcia per la Pace Perugia-Assisi, 24 settembre 1995. Una foto panoramica dell'inizio del corteo con lo stricione di apertura che recita "Noi, popoli delle Nazioni Unite".
[Events and Updates]

Tavola della Pace: the March goes on. City by city!

After the March for Peace Perugia-Assisi on 16 May 2010 and to conclude the 28th national Seminar of the Tavola della pace “Against the bigger crisis” which took place on 2 and 3 July ...

Last update 24 Sep 2010
Human Rights centre, Citizenship and the Constitution in light of the Right to Human Rights Education, Padua, 7 June 2010
[Institutional Contents]

Citizenship and Constitution in the light of the right to human rights education

 “Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote ...

Last update 27 Jun 2012
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USA: Main University Research Centres for Peace and Human Rights (2007)

A census has been conducted on 37 research centres and has collected, for each of them, general information (the name of the structure, year of establishment, address, email, web site) and data ...

Last update 8 Jul 2010
Panoramic view of the Police Head Quarters in Padua
[Events and Updates]

Closing of the cycle of seminars on the theme "Urban Security and Human Rights"

On Monday 14 June 2010, at the flying squad's head office of the State Police, the cycle of seminars on "Urban Security and Human Rights" will come to an end with a seminar committed to the "Danger ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
View of the ancient courtyard of Bo palace, Headquarters of the University of Padua
[Events and Updates]

Closing ceremony of the first Course of Higher Education for experts in "Civic Education, human rights, citizenship, constitution", Monday 7 June 2010, Aula Nievo - Palazzo del Bo, University of Padua

The closing ceremony of the first Course of Higher Education for teachers experienced in "Civic education, human rights, citizenship, constitution" will take place on 7 June 2010 during the day, ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Foto dell'inaugurazione del XVIII Corso di perfezionamento sui diritti della persona e dei popoli "Diritto, istituzioni e pratica della democrazia glocale: il ruolo della scuola, degli enti di governo locale e del terzo settore", a.a. 2006/2007. Universit
[Institutional Contents]

Presention of the Course

Activated in 1985, the postgraduate courses are held on an annual basis. Because of their educational nature, they are directed to teachers, administrators of local and regional authorities, ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
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[Institutional Contents]

Jean Monnet Chairs

The professors of the Jean Monnet Chairs of the European Centre of Excellence of Padua are: Jean Monnet Chair ad honorem Prof. Antonio Papisca Jean Monnet Chair ad Personam on “European ...

Last update 15 Apr 2019
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[Institutional Contents]

Presentation of the Jean Monnet Centre

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence: “Intercultural dialogue, Human Rights and Multi-level Governance” (2009-2012) Presentation The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of ...

Last update 5 Oct 2021
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[Institutional Contents]

The Jean Monnet Programme

The Jean Monnet Programme stimulates teaching, research and reflection on European integration at higher education institutions throughout the world. Since its inception, the Jean Monnet Programme ...

Last update 15 Apr 2019