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Contents tagged with key-word:   Education

Hans Blix, former Director of UNAMI, making a speech in occasion of the international talks on "Homage to the Truth. Human Rights, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Disarmament in the United Nations Agenda", University of Padua, Main Hall "G. Galilei"
[Institutional Contents]

Master's Degree Course in Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace (2 years - MA)

The Master's Degree Course in Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace was established on the rich heritage of educational, scientific and training experiences found at the ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Official logo of the European Master in human rights and democratization (

Regional Law 28 December 1998, No.33

The Region of Veneto supports, also by means of an annual financial contribution, the European Master's managed by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization, ...

Last update 30 Jan 2017
Cover of the book "Agree to Differ",  co-publication between Tudor Rose and UNESCO for the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures (2013–2022)
[Institutional Contents]


Since its institution in 1999, the UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” has contributed in guaranteeing the scientific quality and diffusion, at national and international ...

Last update 27 May 2020
Foto della riunione del Gruppo di Esperti “sull’approfondimento della riflessione sul concetto di diritti dei popoli” tenutasi a Parigi nella sede dell'UNESCO, 27/30 novembre 1989.
[Institutional Contents]


The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme was launched in 1992 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in conformity with Resolution 1.14 adopted by the General ...

Last update 4 Nov 2021
CD cover from the "ABCdirittiumani" cd-rom, 2002

Educational Cd-roms

The Regional Archive "Pace Diritti Umani - Peace Human Rights" contributes to the development of activities of collaboration with schools, also through the pubblication of educational subsidies and ...

Last update 15 Dec 2010
Logo for the 25th Anniversary of the Human Rights Center of the University of Padua (1982-2007).
[Institutional Contents]

Presentation of the Centre

The University Human Rights Centre, established in 1982, intends to contribute to the actualisation of that which is explained in Article 1.2 of the Statute of the University of Padova, which ...

Last update 30 Jan 2017
logo UniPD
[Institutional Contents]

Objectives and structure of the Centre

Objectives of the Centre The main objectives of the Centre are: to promote interdisciplinary research and publications in the fields of human rights and the rights of peoples, peace and ...

Last update 21 May 2024
The cloister of the Monastery of San Nicolò, Head Office of the European Master in Human Rights and Democratization, Venice Lido
[Events and Updates]

New publications in the area of human rights and the European Union edited by Professors of the European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation (

In 2009, two new publications discussing human rights in Europe were released under the supervision of professors that participate actively in the European Masters in Human Rights and ...

Last update 26 Jan 2010
Official logo of the Presidency of the Council of Ministries of The Italian Republic. Under the image is written; "Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca," or Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.
[Events and Updates]

The Ministry for Education, University and Research at the Padua Human Rights Center, on the topic of "Citizenship and the Constitution" instruction

On 16 October 2009 the 'Citizenship and the Constitution' training subgroup of the MIUR (Ministry for Education, University and Research) gathered at the Human Rights Center of the University of ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Receiving an education on intercultural dialogue in elementary school: five children play while holding hands and forming a star.
[Events and Updates]

Second High Level Education Course for experts in ‘Civic Education, Human Rights, Citizenship, Constitution’ of the University of Padova is now open for enrolment

The Interdepartmental Center on human rights and the rights of peoples of the University of Padua promotes its second high level education course for educational experts in ‘Civic Education, ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
logo UniPD
[Events and Updates]

Press Release

Today, Friday the twent-fifth of September, 2009, at 12 o’clock pm, the Chief of Police of Padova, Dr. Luigi Savina, and the Director of the Interdepartmental Centre of Research and Services ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019

Der Handel mit Frauen und jungen Menschen - europäische Dimensionen einer - Heft für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Anna Dośpiał, Joanna Garnier (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010