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La Scuola di pace di Boves

Documentazione (1988)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 26 Feb 2019
Children at school: the pupils, all seated on the ground in a common space and divided into groups, are listening to lectures taught by their respective teachers.
[Events and Updates]

The United Nations work towards a Declaration on human rights education and training

On 17 and 17 July 2009 an international experts Seminar on the project of UN Declaration on human rights education and training was held in Marrakech (Morocco). The event, organised by the ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019

Per un approccio ecologico e sistemico alla formazione nella scuola secondaria

Gianfranco Orunesu, Lucio Passi (1987)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 26 Feb 2019

Accademia dei diritti umani in Messico

Documentazione (1987)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 8 Nov 2010

Considerazioni critiche sull'educazione alla pace

Aldo Visalberghi (1987)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 8 Nov 2010

Les coopératives d’alphabétisation et d’éducation au Maroc: éléments d’évaluation

Aomar Ibourk (2007)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 8 Nov 2010

Prawa Człowieka a Handel Kobietami i Młodymi Ludźmi w Europie. Przybornik edukacyjny

AA.VV. (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Human Rights and Trafficking in Women and Young People in Europe

AA.VV. (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Der Handel mit Frauen und jungen Menschen - europäische Dimensionen einer

AA.VV. (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Diritti umani e tratta di donne e giovani

AA.VV. (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Il Centro Diritti Umani dell’Università di Padova compie 25 anni guardando avanti

Antonio Papisca (2007)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 14 Sep 2010

Un impegno sempre attuale: educare alla pace

Documentazione (2004)


Last update 5 Oct 2010

Diritti umani e intercultura: per un’educazione al dialogo nell’epoca della globalizzazione

Margherita Cestaro (2004)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 1 Sep 2010
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[Events and Updates]

University of Padua: students of the Faculty of Political Science propose a Security Council Resolution aimed at deploying an international human security interposition force in the Gaza Strip.

A group of twelve students of the Master degree course in Institutions and Politics of Human Rights and Peace of the University of Padua, participated – as part of the activities related to the ...

Last update 1 Dec 2009